About a Tbred..PROBLEMS

I don´t know how too describe this problem but i´l give it a try.

The cpu a 2400+ would start in a system i build for my friend but then reboot itself after awhile, we/i didn´t notice it first because another friend took the job too install the OS(XP-HE).
After many hours of testing i find the cpu as damaged and after countless tries i put in my Duron 600Mhz and the computer worked fine.

After some time my friend (of course) wanted me to test it again, and i did mainly just because we had ruled out any other hardwareproblem.

Well after spending quite some time i couldn´t find the motherboard manual, apparently it had been cast away, so back to square one.

My pal really wanted me too give it another try so i decided to put the cpu in my rig/A7V8X to see if any miracle would happend.
Ok i boot up my rig and managed to get in too Windows, then the EXACT problem came up and windows rebooted.
Ok so now i have done some "extensive" tweaking (about 4 hours) in the BIOS and used diagnostic tools in windows too test stability etz.
OK, here is what i have find out=
1. The CPU is NOT stable at stockspeeds settings, even if i slighty increase the Vcore.
2. I find out the cpu to be "unlocked" soo i decresed it and booted up at 1,3~Ghz and find it stable.
Beginning too tweak from there on(as i now know the cpu "works") i find it stable at 166/33*12=1,93~ghz. this is as far as i can push it EVEN with increased Vcore and relaxed settings/no superfan/heatsink and no arctic silverpaste. Simply because i thought the cpu was done, damaged.

I really need some hint here at what´s going on here, and your suggestions and theories because this has been bugging me for month´s now.

Feel free too ask about the system´s and rig´s and i could use a good CPUID tool also(just formated c:)..

overclocked said:
Feel free too ask about the system´s and rig´s and i could use a good CPUID tool also(just formated c:)..
Wcpuid for cpu only.
Cpu-Z can read the timings of the rams, and few other things.
Or Sisoft Sandra ..
Make your choise :)

What about the temps of the cpu ? Are they still ok ?
Whats the power supply. It sounds like you don't have enough power to run the 2400. All the signs point to that .
First i don´t know how that smiley come in but hehe..

First my powersupply is 350W, his is 300W.
Second the temps is right now 52C and after some "heavy" bench and playing it goes to "i think" about 60C.

Right know the system seem´s rock solid at 1,9Ghz/166Mhz bus/333Mhz mem.

But if i go and set everything to normal it don´t work, regular stock speeds, set mem to 266Mhz etz..

It works now but i´m really curious why this cpu behave this way, is it just a weird stepping or what?
I want the truth :!:
overclocked said:
First i don´t know how that smiley come in but hehe..

First my powersupply is 350W, his is 300W.
Second the temps is right now 52C and after some "heavy" bench and playing it goes to "i think" about 60C.

Right know the system seem´s rock solid at 1,9Ghz/166Mhz bus/333Mhz mem.

But if i go and set everything to normal it don´t work, regular stock speeds, set mem to 266Mhz etz..

It works now but i´m really curious why this cpu behave this way, is it just a weird stepping or what?
I want the truth :!:
Your cooling is not up to snuff. Try one of these http://2cooltek.safeshopper.com/34/466.htm?58 Second its most likely the power. Take everything out of pc with the problems that you don't need. Only have one cd rom drive , one stick of ram, only have the rans that ae important like the heat sink fan (use a hose fan blowing into the open side of the case to cool the rest) take out your ethernet card , your sound card. Basicly anything u don't need to run the computer. Then see if it works . Keep adding stuff back in till it doesn't work. Btw watts don't mean anything. It depends on how well the power supplys were built and how much of that 300watts it can actually produce and sustain. [/url]
Your cooling is not up to snuff. Try one of these http://2cooltek.safeshopper.com/34/466.htm?58 Second its most likely the power. Take everything out of pc with the problems that you don't need. Only have one cd rom drive , one stick of ram, only have the rans that ae important like the heat sink fan (use a hose fan blowing into the open side of the case to cool the rest) take out your ethernet card , your sound card. Basicly anything u don't need to run the computer. Then see if it works . Keep adding stuff back in till it doesn't work. Btw watts don't mean anything. It depends on how well the power supplys were built and how much of that 300watts it can actually produce and sustain

If it was that easy, both systems has nothing "extra", LAN/Eth and audio is integreated so there´s nothing to remove.
I told my pal too get a 350W supply but they blew him because he is an average Joe, but on the other hand the reason i first wanted him to get a 350W was that i wanted too be sure nothing would mess upp with the gfx card, i planned to put in a Radeon 9700pro but when i saw what powersupply he had i put in a Geforce TI4200/8X instead.
You can have a point and better cooling for sure is one but there´s something weird about this cpu.
Btw a little update, i just checked SisoftSandra and it showed the cpu-temp to be 67C(!) and the Fan at around 3000rpm while the bios and ASUS utility "asusprobe" shows 52C and near 4000rpm on the fan. Which can you trust!?
Oh and while i should write this the system hang soo i upped the Vcore one slight step.
overclocked said:
Your cooling is not up to snuff. Try one of these http://2cooltek.safeshopper.com/34/466.htm?58 Second its most likely the power. Take everything out of pc with the problems that you don't need. Only have one cd rom drive , one stick of ram, only have the rans that ae important like the heat sink fan (use a hose fan blowing into the open side of the case to cool the rest) take out your ethernet card , your sound card. Basicly anything u don't need to run the computer. Then see if it works . Keep adding stuff back in till it doesn't work. Btw watts don't mean anything. It depends on how well the power supplys were built and how much of that 300watts it can actually produce and sustain

If it was that easy, both systems has nothing "extra", LAN/Eth and audio is integreated so there´s nothing to remove.
I told my pal too get a 350W supply but they blew him because he is an average Joe, but on the other hand the reason i first wanted him to get a 350W was that i wanted too be sure nothing would mess upp with the gfx card, i planned to put in a Radeon 9700pro but when i saw what powersupply he had i put in a Geforce TI4200/8X instead.
You can have a point and better cooling for sure is one but there´s something weird about this cpu.
Btw a little update, i just checked SisoftSandra and it showed the cpu-temp to be 67C(!) and the Fan at around 3000rpm while the bios and ASUS utility "asusprobe" shows 52C and near 4000rpm on the fan. Which can you trust!?
Oh and while i should write this the system hang soo i upped the Vcore one slight step.
well the probe is normaly off by as much as 10c . I would really get a better heatsink. I use watercooling and my chip is normaly 5-10c over room temp. So normaly at 42c . I also keep all my fans on low volts . So my case is almost silent .
I don't think it's very likely, but it could be a rebadged chip. Look at the bridges on the chip. If some of them look like they have been cut in a different way than some of the others, then it might have been moded and rebadged by some sleazy reseller.
I don't think it's very likely, but it could be a rebadged chip. Look at the bridges on the chip. If some of them look like they have been cut in a different way than some of the others, then it might have been moded and rebadged by some sleazy reseller.

I don´t think thats likely either, getting paranoid here, hehe..

well the probe is normaly off by as much as 10c . I would really get a better heatsink. I use watercooling and my chip is normaly 5-10c over room temp. So normaly at 42c . I also keep all my fans on low volts . So my case is almost silent .

Can it really be so off, the Probe? I dont say you are wrong but what about the fanrpm, also wrong?
should be interesting to see how much i can lower the temp with a new heatpipe and some good silverpaste.
overclocked said:
I don't think it's very likely, but it could be a rebadged chip. Look at the bridges on the chip. If some of them look like they have been cut in a different way than some of the others, then it might have been moded and rebadged by some sleazy reseller.

I don´t think thats likely either, getting paranoid here, hehe..

well the probe is normaly off by as much as 10c . I would really get a better heatsink. I use watercooling and my chip is normaly 5-10c over room temp. So normaly at 42c . I also keep all my fans on low volts . So my case is almost silent .

Can it really be so off, the Probe? I dont say you are wrong but what about the fanrpm, also wrong?
should be interesting to see how much i can lower the temp with a new heatpipe and some good silverpaste.
yes the probe is being used by all the programs . So if its wrong all the software is wrong. Your best bet is the heatsink I posted. Get a very low powered 80 or 92 mm fan and it wont be loud. I use it on the 3200s and it keeps it around 45c
Why not just the obvious answer the the CPU is broken? This is not completely unheard of I had one exactly like this. It would not run at it supposed speed. But if you underclocked it a bit, or increased the voltage above stock then it would work. A very small percentage <1% probably do not work at the spec they are advertised to.
Sxotty said:
Why not just the obvious answer the the CPU is broken? This is not completely unheard of I had one exactly like this. It would not run at it supposed speed. But if you underclocked it a bit, or increased the voltage above stock then it would work. A very small percentage <1% probably do not work at the spec they are advertised to.
True. But he said it has worked on his set up but not on his friend and that a 600 duron works on his friend. Which leads me to believe a ) its a power issue or b) its a heat issue or c) its a motherboard problem.
jvd said:
Sxotty said:
Why not just the obvious answer the the CPU is broken? This is not completely unheard of I had one exactly like this. It would not run at it supposed speed. But if you underclocked it a bit, or increased the voltage above stock then it would work. A very small percentage <1% probably do not work at the spec they are advertised to.
True. But he said it has worked on his set up but not on his friend and that a 600 duron works on his friend. Which leads me to believe a ) its a power issue or b) its a heat issue or c) its a motherboard problem.

Actually he said:

Ok i boot up my rig and managed to get in too Windows, then the EXACT problem came up and windows rebooted.
Right know the system seem´s rock solid at 1,9Ghz/166Mhz bus/333Mhz mem.
He also said that. Which means its working fine overclocked. Since the 2500+ barton is a 1.83 ghz cpu. So either he thinks it should run at 2.5 ghz and is messing up that way. Or my points stay and the other computer needs a new bios , better psu or better cooling .
He also said that. Which means its working fine overclocked. Since the 2500+ barton is a 1.83 ghz cpu. So either he thinks it should run at 2.5 ghz and is messing up that way. Or my points stay and the other computer needs a new bios , better psu or better cooling .

OMG! Hehe we hardwarejunkies here at B3D knows our stuff Jvd, you should now that, 2,5Ghz :!: :LOL:

Serious though i had the computer on like 24/7 and did my usually "extreme" test with 3DMark2001 * 100, sort of.. :)

The status of the cpu is now that i slightly decreased the coreclock to 1833Mhz/166Mhz bus/mem.

I plan too keep you guy´s updated when the better sink and fan come´s.
Will try too solve this "mystery" cpu.
Heat is a given problem though, i doubt the cpu will see 2Ghz but only time can tell.
overclocked said:
He also said that. Which means its working fine overclocked. Since the 2500+ barton is a 1.83 ghz cpu. So either he thinks it should run at 2.5 ghz and is messing up that way. Or my points stay and the other computer needs a new bios , better psu or better cooling .

OMG! Hehe we hardwarejunkies here at B3D knows our stuff Jvd, you should now that, 2,5Ghz :!: :LOL:

Serious though i had the computer on like 24/7 and did my usually "extreme" test with 3DMark2001 * 100, sort of.. :)

The status of the cpu is now that i slightly decreased the coreclock to 1833Mhz/166Mhz bus/mem.

I plan too keep you guy´s updated when the better sink and fan come´s.
Will try too solve this "mystery" cpu.
Heat is a given problem though, i doubt the cpu will see 2Ghz but only time can tell.
Well i don't see the problem its doing its recomended clock speed what its sold at . 1.83 so there is no problem with the chip. Now if u want more thats another story .
jvd said:
Well i don't see the problem its doing its recomended clock speed what its sold at . 1.83 so there is no problem with the chip. Now if u want more thats another story .

It's a 2400+, not a 2500+. The default clockspeed for the 2400+ is 2GHz. The 2500+ is clocked lower, but has larger l2 cache and higher fsb speed.
Thowllly said:
jvd said:
Well i don't see the problem its doing its recomended clock speed what its sold at . 1.83 so there is no problem with the chip. Now if u want more thats another story .

It's a 2400+, not a 2500+. The default clockspeed for the 2400+ is 2GHz. The 2500+ is clocked lower, but has larger l2 cache and higher fsb speed.
But that chip is running at 133mhz bus he is trying to run it at a 166mhz bus. Which is overclocking . So he needs to up the ratio and reduce the fsb to what it should actually be to see if the chip is defective.