A freaking awful couple of days, FINALLY OVER!!!


My wife has been sick the last few days, my kids got sick today, and the puppies have just been happy-go-luck-insane. :?

I ended up taking my wife to the hospital this afternoon since she was so dehydrated from throwing up and couldn't hold down any water, but a couple of IVs, some tasty intravenus drugs, and a couple of 5-6 hours later and she was much better. We got home a few hours ago and I just about got to the point of being settled down.

Scary thing? My first thought when my wife asked me to take her to the hospital was, "How in the hell am I supposed to do that with the kids and the puppies?". :?

Shook my head and got my priorities straight and got it all worked out, but damned I think I'm moving just a bit too fast lately! :oops:
It's good to hear that things seem to be turning around for you.

I know there's been a nasty flu bug going around these parts for the last couple of weeks, and I even know a few people who just like your wife had to be hospitalized. It's definitely not fun. Make sure you and your wife get the rest you guys need. See if grandma and grandpa want to spend some time with the kids :) maybe give you two a chance to sleep, rest, or other wise relax.
Umm, flu doesn't make you throw up... There are other viruses that can do that however (calici/norovirus, for example). That particular strain is not airborne, but still extremely contagious, so good hygiene is important. Especially when handling food and stuff, even after a person's recovered.
Well technically the doc said "stomach flu", and that would include food poisoning and the like. Her bloodwork and tests all looked good, so whatever ya want to call it.

The important bit for me is she's ok and now has some seriously kicking meds to keep her ok if it hits again as well as the next few days off work thanks to a note from the nice doc. :)

I'm just glad she's not feeling as lousy and that we know what it is and she's ok.
Just wanted to point out that these viruses are very nasty, and will typically stick around a while even after the person's recovered. Your wife might therefore inadvertently infect you and/or kids with the same thing, if what she was hit with was the norovirus... Therefore, wash hands and stuff carefully before touching food, eating utensils/cookware and after going to the bathroom etc for a couple days.
I'm not too worried, generally when a bug bites me the bug dies....but I will bear it in mind and already have sort of been watching my kids for it.

I'm just happy as all get out that my wife is sleeping right now. She felt great when she got home last night and vegged out in front of her PC happily, but when she got up she vomitted and felt nauseous again.

She took her meds and felt a whole lot better, but with the better came the sleepies.....which is also pretty welcome since she was up for most of the last two days.

She's sleeping peacefully and comfortably right now, and we're both delighted with that. 8)

I've really been having a better day today too is part of that, it's a wonderful change-o-pace! :D
digitalwanderer said:
Well technically the doc said "stomach flu", and that would include food poisoning and the like.
I thought "stomach flu" was an old euphemism for "pregnant." :mrgreen:
ZoinKs! said:
I thought "stomach flu" was an old euphemism for "pregnant." :mrgreen:

The Dig's family is quite perfectly complete, and the words "tubal ligation" are music to me ears. ;)

Things are quiet and going well, happy-happy joy-joy! :)