I was reading the discussions about how un-educated 3D card buyers had no real understanding (or hope of understanding) the advantages/disadvantages of the various chips out there today. The GF4MX/Radeon9000 naming stupidity make it easy to confuse people even if tehy know approximatly what to look for.
So I was thinking it would be nice to have a continually updated article/forum at B3D where the forum members voted on what the best Chipset for each market segment was.
It would look something like: (forgive the crappy formating)
So I was thinking it would be nice to have a continually updated article/forum at B3D where the forum members voted on what the best Chipset for each market segment was.
It would look something like: (forgive the crappy formating)
300+ DX Level Votes
ATI 9800 Pro 9 36
NVIDIA GF 5800 9 12
ATI 9700 9 23
NVIDIAGF4 4600 8 19
ATI 9500 Pro 9 32
NVIDIA GF 5200 9 32
ATI 9000 8.1 16
Card best avoided:
SIS Xabre 8.1 108
Every time a new chipset shipped we could add it to the list about a week later (giving enough time for sufficient time for real reviews).
Any comments?