89% Of Russian Software is pirated according to this article

If you knew how much an average russian worker earns, you'd know why there is so much piracy there...
Schadenfroh said:
why dont they just use linux?

Perhaps because playing with Tux Racer is pretty boring after 15 minutes? :rolleyes:

Linux is a POS when it comes to gaming, sorry.
Loki bankrupted long time ago and it wasn't an accident.
peraphs its cause most legit software would probably cost them a months wages or something to that effect?
bloodbob said:
peraphs its cause most legit software would probably cost them a months wages or something to that effect?

The average sallary in Russia is around US$100 a month but many people earn much less.

In Russia you can actually buy pirated software and music in regular recordstores and you will get a reciete and all.
Tim said:
bloodbob said:
peraphs its cause most legit software would probably cost them a months wages or something to that effect?

The average sallary in Russia is around US$100 a month but many people earn much less.

In Russia you can actually buy pirated software and music in regular recordstores and you will get a reciete and all.

This does not happen only in Russia. In most former comunist (read poor) countries the situation is the same, although it's starting to ameliorate. But still most of the software is pirated but not so much as a few years ago. (I'm referring to romania 'cause that's the country I know best)

Ironically for some of the software the pirated version appears before the legit one.
in Croatia, during the worse years (1991-1995), while we had war, percentage was arounf 95-96% percent of pirated software.

even govermant used it, they signed deal with M$ about dozens of thousends of licences some years ago. dunno exact time, but it was after the war.

offcourse that russia has so much piracy.....
if u make 100$ a month, then you buy a shittiest comp on market (something that doesnt even go thru all quality tests) and you buy in on 2,3 or 5 years credit, just so your kids can have comp, casue they bloody need it if they wanna do anything later in their life other then maybe mining in Sybiria......then HOW can you buy legit software?

lets say you kid is talented and would like to work in Photoshop.....
fucking thing costs ONE YEAR SALARY...that means no food, no power, no NOTHING for 1 year just to buy one CD with some code on it.....

sooooooooooo......what would YOU do?

its not just russia, i can buy yellow pages here and order any game for 2 euro per CD if i want, yellow pages are full of those adds.....

why doesnt govermant crack on piracy?.....you think govermant can afford to order ppl not to eat for 1 year to buy Photoshop? how long would that govermant stay in power?....

computers are common goods these days and we all know that you cant get jobs without even basic skills on comps, so whats the big surprise?
cause you live in US and make 20,30 or 50 times more then that average russian?.....so you are shocked how that bastard doesnt want to pay for the software he is using....imagine that....

but when US companie grab best programmers from our countries to work there (in the US) and make you even more cash...you dont ask if they learned how to work on legit software, do you?....you are happy to grab the best we have and use them for your economy....

lovely, isnt it.....

It's a trend towards more and more software piracy but it's maybe some difference how it's played in different countries?
In the west it's all done more or less by P2P ,at least by the younger generation and mostly for private (ab)use but in other countries (Russia ,China ,Southeast Asia) it's also sold openly in markets and probably used more for commercial purposes than in the US/Ca + EU.
Tim said:
bloodbob said:
peraphs its cause most legit software would probably cost them a months wages or something to that effect?

The average sallary in Russia is around US$100 a month but many people earn much less.

In Russia you can actually buy pirated software and music in regular recordstores and you will get a reciete and all.

:rolleyes: In China you can also find pirated software and music disks in small stores.
The average sallary in Russia is around US$100 a month but many people earn much less.
so why is there super rich people like Roman Abramovich in Russia? something must be wrong...
kopio0 said:
The average sallary in Russia is around US$100 a month but many people earn much less.
so why is there super rich people like Roman Abramovich in Russia?

You've got it the wrong way around, the right question would be "Why are there so many poor people in Russia?". The answer: because of the people like that Abramovich guy.
_xxx_ said:
kopio0 said:
The average sallary in Russia is around US$100 a month but many people earn much less.
so why is there super rich people like Roman Abramovich in Russia?

You've got it the wrong way around, the right question would be "Why are there so many poor people in Russia?". The answer: because of the people like that Abramovich guy.

i started to write post....but you said it quite well.
add 70 years of communism and missmanagement of every resource.