360: VF5 Playable Preview



The major changes include a higher level of anti-aliasing compared to the PS3 version, word that the Xbox 360 version will also see an official VF5 arcade joystick, and confirmation that the 360 version will see refined fighter A.I. and more options in the Dojo mode.


Graphically, VF5 on 360 looks just as awesome as the PS3 version, with subtle enhancements, like improved anti-aliasing which is especially noticeable in the background details. Other improvements, albeit improvements that are less visible to the naked eye, are things like improved A.I. of the CPU opponents in the Quest mode. If you thought the competition was a pushover in the PS3 version, then the 360 roster should offer a stiffer challenge. The functionality of the Dojo mode has been enhanced as well, with added stances implemented so that players can practice throws and throw evasion more easily than they could in the PS3 version.

Awesome, looking forward to this on the 360. If the arcade stick comes then this maybe the definitive version to get.
Meh, I think the problem with this game was highlighted in reviews of the PS3 version. If you dont have a circle of dedicated VF players available to play against, and since the game does not have online, the game is pretty limited.
Pretty much the way it was for me. I traded in recently but for the duration that I had it I seldom fought anything but the CPU. My friends aren't the biggest gamers so getting them to sit down and play was very difficult.
I wonder how "efficient" an analog stick will be in a fighting game such as VF5 that demands accuracy to perform moves.

I always felt like smashing the controller whenever I played a fighting game with the s-controller on the XBOX.
As expected, the AI didn't need to be downgraded for Xenon like it was for CELL.

The extra AA performance afforded by Xenos is also a nice plus.
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As suspected, the AI didn't need to be downgraded for Xenon like it was for CELL.

The extra AA performance afforded by Xenos is also a nice plus.

hmm? AI was downgraded for the PS3 version? All I know is that the 360's AI is improved.
The PS3 AI was very poor compared to the Pentium 4 based arcade, and Sega Sammy had said that customizing the CPU work for CELL took the most care of any element in the port's development process.

from what i remember, the 360 version is just based on the newer arcade data, thus has better AI.
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Yes, PS3 VF5 is based on version "A" of the arcade game, X360 uses version "B", and japanese arcade machines are on "C" [or they will soon].

I think that someone mentioned long ago that PS3 will also recieve patch will all "B" version changes.
The PS3 AI downgrade that's being mentioned is relative to even the first version of the arcade game.

That's total BS.

A simple rules based AI system like VF has does not require lots of CPU power. There was no downgrade for the AI in the console version due to capability of the processor.

All they are talking about is tweaks to adjust the difficultly settings that some users complained about. There are 20 levels of difficulty in the VF5 quest mode. And then 8 master modes on top of that. At least the first 15 levels were pure cannon fodder, and I think that was the main complaint. You had to beat so many monkeys to get to play the good guys.

Anyway, these are tweaks that could easily be patched into the PS3 version as well. Although they have not announced such plans yet, probably because most people don't actually care.
You know if there was one thing that actually needed "Fixing" in Virtua Fighter 5, its that damn fraked up gold earning system.

They should do it more like Tekken5 DR, where you get credits every match depending on how well you did and if you used special moves etc.

In VF5 you only get gold when you LOSE a round or by CHANCE which is like only once every 50 rounds or something, or if you with a tournament which there are very few of and the pots are small anyway.

If they fixed that, even people who own the PS3 might trade it in for the 360 one.
That's total BS.

All they are talking about is tweaks to adjust the difficultly settings that some users complained about. There are 20 levels of difficulty in the VF5 quest mode. And then 8 master modes on top of that. At least the first 15 levels were pure cannon fodder, and I think that was the main complaint. You had to beat so many monkeys to get to play the good guys.

I was under the impression that you had access to all the arcades at the start. I know I fought some high level guys that kicked my ass right when I started quest mode. Also could you clarify what those 20 levels are for me please? You mean the ranks? As in 1st, 2nd, 3rd dan and so on? Thanks.
New IGN Preview.
Virtua Fighter 5 is a port of the PS3 version, refinements have been made to pretty things up. The aliasing issues, which were quite noticeable in the PS3 version, are gone from the 360 build. There's no shimmer, no ugly jagged lines -- Virtua Fighter 5 on 360 is beautiful. There are a lot of nice, subtle effects that add a nice touch to the environments, such as early-morning fog rolling across the arena. The backdrops are clean and colorful and the game runs smooth as a thoroughbred.

Its not the first multi platform game that is graphically superior on the Xbox 360. I think its a trend that will continue till the end of this generation.
what makes you think that?

I think it's possible for a number of reasons, 360 seems to be a better balanced system overall with fewer bottlenecks, it's development tools are superior, it has more memory, and it should be the lead platform for the majority of multiplatform titles because of install base and dev tools.

That adds up to a fairly likely scenario to me. Note, we're only talking multiplatform titles here.
Its not the first multi platform game that is graphically superior on the Xbox 360. I think its a trend that will continue till the end of this generation.
Superior is such a strong word...

Gamespot impressions ...and they are bit different:

The graphics will surely be the most scrutinized aspect of the game, and they're looking surprisingly good for being in such an early state. We didn't totally geek out and bust out the magnifying glass and calipers to pour over the game's visuals, but we did do a bit of nitpicking. So far everything looks very, very close to the PlayStation 3 and, in a few spots, just as good. Aliasing even seemed to be a bit cleaner on the bitmap portions of the backgrounds, such as Jeffrey's island stage. The overall texture quality was good though some needed refining here and there. Color in the game stood out a bit; depending on the stage, the palette seemed to be a bit on the dark side and didn't pop quite as much as the PS3 game, but the game is still early and sure to be obsessed over by the dev team until it meets AM2's crazy standards.

Based on what we saw, Virtua Fighter 5 is shaping up to be a solid conversion of the arcade and PlayStation 3 games. The visuals could use some polishing, but already look very close to the PlayStation 3 game. We can't comment specifically on gameplay until we try the game out ourselves, but it seems to move as speedily as the PS3 and the fighters animate smoothly. We obviously have a raft of specific questions about the various enhancements the game is set to have, but since Sega wasn't talking specifics yet, we'll just have to hope AM2 is going to do more than port the PS3 game.


Is the framerate intact from the PS3-version?
New IGN Preview.

Its not the first multi platform game that is graphically superior on the Xbox 360. I think its a trend that will continue till the end of this generation.

I think it varies from game to game. The more time a developer has with a game the more they can polish it. The same was basically true for Rainbow Six: Vegas. There are graphical improvements on the PS3 version as well as 5 additional levels.
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