IdleRPMLogic=(900.0, 950.0)
LaunchRPMLogic=(4500.0, 5500.0)
RevLimitRange=(7500.0, 00.0, 0)
EngineMapRange=(0, 1, 5)
EngineBrakingMapRange=(0.0, 0.000125, 6)
OilMinimumCooling=7.50e-003 // heat dissipated without oil/water transfer
OilWaterHeatTransfer=(3.962e-001,7.925e-005) // heat transfer from oil to water (base, w/ engine speed)
RadiatorCooling=(1.592e-004, 10.039e-005)
LifetimeEngineRPM=(8000.0, 95.0)
LifetimeOilTemp=(100.00, 3.00)
...// Rear wheels (includes half of rear-axle)
name=rl_wheel mass=(26.0) inertia=(1.446,0.875,0.875)
pos=(0.749,0.0,1.35) ori=(0.0,0.0,0.0)
name=rr_wheel mass=(26.0) inertia=(1.446,0.875,0.875)
pos=(-0.749,0.0,1.35) ori=(0.0,0.0,0.0)
// Fuel in tank is not rigidly attached - it is attached with springs and
// dampers to simulate movement. Properties are defined in the HDV file.
name=fuel_tank mass=(1.0) inertia=(1.0,1.0,1.0)
pos=(0.0,0.0,0.0) ori=(0.0,0.0,0.0)
// Driver's head is not rigidly attached, and it does NOT affect the vehicle
// physics. Position is from the eyepoint defined in the VEH file, while
// other properties are defined in the head physics file.
name=driver_head mass=(5.0) inertia=(0.02,0.02,0.02)
pos=(0.0,0.0,0.0) ori=(0.0,0.0,0.0)
...AdjustableUpgradeLevel_0=3 //base upgrade level tuning allowed. (ie used so a full racecar has full adjustablity "stock")
Rules=0 // what rules to apply to garage setups (0=none, 1=stock car)
GarageDisplayFlags=7 // how settings are displayed in garage (add): 1=rear wing, 2=radiator, 4=more gear info
FeelerFlags=0 // how collision feelers are generated (add): 1=box influence 2=reduce wall-jumping 4=allow adjustment hack 8=top directions
Mass=1750.0 // all mass except fuel (1100kg car + 80kg driver weight)
Inertia=(2400.0,2650.0,420.0) // all inertia except fuel
FuelTankPos=(0.0, 0.200, -0.100) // location of tank affects center of gravity (very close and even slightly ahead of CG in F1)
FuelTankMotion=(560.0,0.7) // simple model of fuel movement in tank (spring rate per kg, critical damping ratio)
CGHeight=0.300 // height of body mass (excluding fuel) above reference plane
CGRightRange=(0.50, 0.000, 0) // fraction of weight on left tires
CGRearRange=(0.50, 0.005, 0)
GraphicalOffset=(0.0, -0.03, 0.0) // does not affect physics!
CollisionOffset=(0.0, 0.02, 0.0) // Moves collision mesh independently of G'offset and undertray feelers
Undertray00=(0.95, 0.02, -1.695) // offset from center of car, and between axles// LF (Left front corner of splitter) (forward is negative, right is negative)
Undertray01=(-0.95, 0.02, -1.695) // offset from center of car, and between axles// RF (Right front corner of splitter)
Undertray02=(0.85, 0.02, 1.000) // offset from center of car, and between axles // LR (Left rear corner of floor
Undertray03=(-0.85, 0.02, 1.000) // offset from center of car, and between axles // RR (Right rear corner of floor)
UndertrayParams=(262500.0,11600.0, 0.0) // undertray spring rate, damper rate, and coefficient of friction
FrontTireCompoundSetting=1 // Front compound index within brand
RearTireCompoundSetting=1 // Rear compound index within brand
FuelRange=(1.0, 1.0, 100)
NumPitstopsRange=(0, 1, 4)
Pitstop1Range=(1.0, 1.0, 100)
Pitstop2Range=(1.0, 1.0, 100)
Pitstop3Range=(1.0, 1.0, 100)
AIMinPassesPerTick=2 // minimum passes per tick (can use more accurate spring/damper/torque values, but takes more CPU)
AIRotationThreshold=0.12 // rotation threshold (rads/sec) to temporarily increment passes per tick
AIEvenSuspension=0.0 // averages out spring and damper rates to improve stability (0.0 - 1.0)
AISpringRate=1.0 // spring rate adjustment for AI physics (improves stability)
AIDamperSlow=0.5 // contribution of average slow damper into simple AI damper
AIDamperFast=0.5 // contribution of average fast damper into simple AI damper
AIDownforceZArm=0.150 // hard-coded center-of-pressure offset from vehicle CG
AIDownforceBias=0.0 // bias between setup and hard-coded value (0.0-1.0)
AITorqueStab=(1.40, 1.40, 1.40) // torque adjustment to keep AI stable
FWRange=(0.0, 0.0, 0) // front wing range
FWSetting=0 // front wing setting
FWMaxHeight=(0.10) // maximum height to take account of for downforce
FWDragParams=(0.05, 0.00, 0.000) // base drag and 1st and 2nd order with setting
FWLiftParams=(-0.120, -0.0, 0.0000) // base lift and 1st and 2nd order with setting
FWLiftHeight=(0.0) // effect of current height on lift coefficient
FWLiftSideways=(0.0) // dropoff in downforce with yaw (0.0 = none, 1.0 = max)
FWLeft=(-0.23, 0.0, 0.0) // aero forces from moving left
FWRight=(0.23, 0.0, 0.0) // aero forces from moving right
FWUp=(0.0, -0.50, -0.001) // aero forces from moving up
FWDown=(0.0, 0.30, 0.001) // aero forces from moving down
FWAft=(0.0, 0.00, -0.0) // aero forces from moving rearwards
FWFore=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) // aero forces from moving forwards (recomputed from settings)
FWRot=(0.25, 0.25, 0.20) // aero torque from rotating
FWCenter=(0.00, 0.00, -0.70) // center of front wing forces (offset from center of front axle in ref plane)
RWRange=(0.0, 0.0,0.0) // rear wing range
RWSetting=0 // rear wing setting
RWDragParams=(0.05, 0.00, 0.00) // base drag and 1st and 2nd order with setting
RWLiftParams=(-0.140, -0.00, 0.00) // base lift and 1st and 2nd order with setting
RWLiftSideways=(0.0) // dropoff in downforce with yaw (0.0 = none, 1.0 = max)
RWPeakYaw=(0.0, 0.0) // angle of peak, multiplier at peak
RWLeft=(-1.00, 0.0, 0.0) // aero forces from moving left
RWRight=(1.00, 0.0, 0.0) // aero forces from moving right
RWUp=(0.0, -0.70, -0.002) // aero forces from moving up
RWDown=(0.0, 0.40, 0.002) // aero forces from moving down
RWAft=(0.0, 0.00, -0.4) // aero forces from moving rearwards
RWFore=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) // aero forces from moving forwards (recomputed from settings)
RWRot=(0.08, 0.05, 0.11) // aero torque from rotating
RWCenter=(0.00, 0.60, 0.80) // center of rear wing forces (offset from center of rear axle at ref plane)
BodyDragBase=(0.26) // base drag
BodyDragHeightAvg=(0.22) // drag increase with average ride height
BodyDragHeightDiff=(0.47) // drag increase with front/rear ride height difference
BodyMaxHeight=(0.20) // maximum ride height that affects drag/lift
BodyLeft=(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0) // aero forces from moving left
BodyRight=(1.0, 0.0, 0.0) // aero forces from moving right
BodyUp=(0.0, -1.0, 0.0) // aero forces from moving up
BodyDown=(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) // aero forces from moving down
BodyAft=(0.0, 0.00, -0.0) // aero forces from moving rearwards
BodyFore=(0.0, -0.100, 0.00) // aero forces from moving forwards (lift value important!)
BodyRot=(9.73, 7.3, 4.87) // aero torque from rotating
BodyCenter=(0.0, 0.50, -1.30) // center of body aero forces (offset from center of rear axle at ref plane)
RadiatorRange=(0.0, 1.0, 4) // radiator range
RadiatorSetting=3 // radiator setting
RadiatorDrag=(0.00) // effect of radiator setting on drag
RadiatorLift=(0.00) // effect of radiator setting on lift
BrakeDuctRange=(0.0, 1.0, 5) // brake duct range
BrakeDuctSetting=1 // brake duct setting
BrakeDuctDrag=(0.000) // effect of brake duct setting on drag
BrakeDuctLift=(0.00) // effect of brake duct setting on lift
DiffuserBase=(-0.500, -0.50, 5.0) // base lift and 1st/2nd order with rear ride height
DiffuserFrontHeight=(0.000) // 1st order with front ride height
DiffuserRake=(-0.005, -0.0, 0.0) // Optimum rake (rear - front ride height), 1st order with current difference from opt, 2nd order
DiffuserLimits=(0.010, 0.100, 0.055) // Min ride height before stalling begins (0.0 to disable), max rear ride height for computations, max rake difference for computations
DiffuserStall=(1.0, 0.5) // function to compute stall ride height (0.0=minimum, 1.0=average), downforce lost when bottoming out (0.0=none,1.0=complete stall)
DiffuserSideways=(0.0) // dropoff with yaw (0.0 = none, 1.0 = max)
DiffuserCenter=(0.0, 0.000, -1.20) // center of diffuser forces (offset from center of rear axle at ref plane)
ApplySlowToFastDampers=0 // whether to apply slow damper settings to fast damper settings
CorrectedInnerSuspHeight=-1 // instead of moving inner susp height relative with ride height, use this offset (set to -1 for original behavior)
AdjustSuspRates=1 // adjust suspension rates due to motion ratio ( 0=enable, 1=disable)
AlignWheels=1 // correct for minor graphical offsets
SpringBasedAntiSway=1 // 0=diameter-based, 1=spring-based
FrontAntiSwayRange=(10000.0, 10000.0, 10)
FrontAntiSwayRate=(1.36e11, 4.0) // not applicable with spring-based antisway
AllowNoAntiSway=1 // Whether first setting gets overridden to mean no antisway bar
RearAntiSwayRange=(5000.0, 5000.0, 8)
RearAntiSwayRate=(1.36e11, 4.0) // not applicable with spring-based antisway
FrontToeInRange=(-2.0, 0.1, 41)
RearToeInRange=(-2.0, 0.1, 41)
LeftCasterRange=(-0.0, 0.25, 29) // front-left caster
RightCasterRange=(-0.0, 0.25, 29) // front-right caster
BumpTravel=-0.030 // travel to bumpstop with zero packers and zero ride height
ReboundTravel=-0.200 // these two numbers assume front ride height is 30cm to 90cm with 10cm leeway
BumpStopSpring=125000.0 // initial spring rate of bumpstop
BumpStopRisingSpring=1.25e9 // rising spring rate of bumpstop (multiplied by deflection squared)
BumpStopDamper=1050.0 // initial damping rate of bumpstop
BumpStopRisingDamper=2.19e7 // rising damper rate of bumpstop (multiplied by deflection squared)
BumpStage2=0.090 // speed where damper bump moves from slow to fast
ReboundStage2=-0.090 // speed where damper rebound moves from slow to fast
FrictionTorque=9.50 // Newton-meters of friction between spindle and wheel
SpinInertia=1.422 // inertia in pitch direction including any axle
CGOffsetX=0.000 // x-offset from graphical center to physical center (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
PushrodSpindle=(0.150, -0.150, 0.000) // relative to spindle
PushrodBody=(0.350, 0.320, 0.000) // spring/damper connection to body (relative to wheel center)
CamberRange=(-3.5, 0.1, 66)
SpringMult=1.00 // take into account suspension motion if spring is not attached to spindle (affects physics but not garage display)
PressureRange=(200.0, 1.0, 106)
PackerRange=(0.000, 0.001, 41)
SpringRange=(80000.0, 6666.0, 6)
RideHeightRange=(0.100, -0.005, 6)
DamperMult=1.00 // take into account suspension motion if damper is not attached to spindle (affects physics but not garage display)
SlowBumpRange=(4000.0, 300.0, 10)
FastBumpRange=(2000.0, 200.0, 10)
SlowReboundRange=(8000.0, 300.0, 10)
FastReboundRange=(4000.0, 300.0, 10)
BrakeDiscRange=(0.035, 0.000, 0) // disc thickness
BrakePadRange=(0, 1, 5) // pad type (not implemented)
BrakeDiscInertia=0.001 // inertia per meter of thickness
BrakeOptimumTemp=350.0 // optimum brake temperature in Celsius
BrakeFadeRange=700.0 // temperature outside of optimum that brake grip drops to half (too hot or too cold)
BrakeWearRate=1.215e-011 // meters of wear per second at optimum temperature
BrakeFailure=(1.33e-002,7.20e-004) // average and variation in disc thickness at failure
BrakeTorque=4500.0 // maximum brake torque at zero wear and optimum temp
BrakeHeating=0.00045 // heat added linearly with brake torque
BrakeCooling=(1.910e-002,0.667e-004) // minimum brake cooling rate (static and per unit velocity)
BrakeDuctCooling=2.000e-004 // brake cooling rate per brake duct setting
..........and a heck of a lot more