[360, PS3] Need For Speed: Shift

The best NFS: Shift vs FM3 was made on a own TV and 360, no need of youtube video…
And the result is FM3 win than Shift.
Made the test by yourself… ;)

Graphically? If so then I strongly disagree. Well with the words "best version aka PC" Shift is ahead of all of them as default (no bothering with bullshots/promo)). With some small simple tweaks it is far beyond. Just browse the screenshot thread or watch my youtube videos. As for physics and handling I would say Shift as in total to deliver an authentic feedback of car handling, feel and visuals despite some bugs scheduled to be fixed with next patch. Despite the arcadish front layer the underneath is an improved GTR2 physics and handling system with some small tweaks for a bit "easier" driving. Yes GTR2 by Simbim. Heck, cross checking GTR2 and Shift files shows very identical values. They incorporate what others brag about they already have implemented for Shift.

So yeah it tastes a bit strange to say it for a NFS game as I would never have thought suchgame to be what it is now but it is. If anything just looking up the devs merits should show they are top of line regarding sims and racing games on PC. ;)

Ingame race, 100% native untouched.

EDIT: I noticed HD isn't working right now in Youtube but all my videos are HD FYI.
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@Nebula: I'm dont' speak about Shift PC version… only 360 version vs FM3…
I say "the best" for the best test is…
I would think that most people on this forum here usually keep the discussion to "console only" discussion. I do too, as I don't really play games on PC and as such, my knowlege on games for PC is somewhat limited. I'm also not sure comparing them to console games makes much sense. On consoles, games have to run on fixed hardware, where as a PC developer can maximize pretty much anything and solve it with bruteforce. Even if max settings don't work smooth enough on the CPU/GPUs of today, it will eventually. ;)
Despite the arcadish front layer the underneath is an improved GTR2 physics and handling system with some small tweaks for a bit "easier" driving. Yes GTR2 by Simbim. Heck, cross checking GTR2 and Shift files shows very identical values. They incorporate what others brag about they already have implemented for Shift.

Ingame race, 100% native untouched.

Thank you for this information my friend. GTR2 is well known. Has it been tested for lap time quality and corner speeds? That would be interesting for real sim tests.

Thank you also for the pictures. They look nice by my feeling is that I am a little disappointed when I see the pictures in full size. Details are missing or a little bit low quality on the car like the car logo object. Sometimes reflections are also a little stretched and lighting on certain things (like front wings in building picture) is not sensible. Also, I wonder if this has SSAO. I am not an expert enough to know this but I love cars and certain things looks strange.

But it is a nice looking game! I only have the complaints because it is the PC and for the PC i have much more expectations than the console.
Dunno but the files and layout are quite close. However Shift has improved slip curves etc. The car logos are a bit low I agree. They settled for 1024x1024 textures but it needs 2048x2048 or better. However it is only really noticable in hood view or upclose. Reflections should stretch depending on surface curves but yeah maybe limitation of 6 face cubemaps or was it 4? :p

Lighting seems OK on bumper, different materials reflect differently depending on paint type or material. Otherwise yes it uses a quite nice SSAO, SSS and GI hack and more. :smile:
Cubes have 6 sides. ;) The reflections will depend on POV and where the designer set the limits.
Cubes have 6 sides. ;) The reflections will depend on POV and where the designer set the limits.

Hmm but isn't it related to the reflections quality as per how nice it bends around the car. Like for example in GRID highest settings uses 6 faces for reflections and lower settings down to 3. Maybe I am lost now but isn't it related to amount of sampled view directions to create the illusion of smooth reflection around the car? IIRC 4 or 6 faces for reflections in Shfit (need to check it) :newbieface:

Skipped sides?
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Quality will be related to the cubemap resolution, format, filtering and MSAA (if they apply it). As a cubemap is constructed from 6 textures that will reflect the world for each direction, it might not be surprising that there's quite a bit of stretching along the length of a car since it's not square (not enough texels). The lighting quality will also depend on how they stored the cubemaps as well.

...unless you're saying that the reflection disappears for certain directions... :eek:
No the reflections appears on all directions. But silly me GRID was 6 faces or 0 faces (no reflection). Dont know what I remembered before but I do know cubes consists of 6 images as I did add some distant landscape to Clear Sky sky cubes some time ago. But anyway have not understood that part of the shader file (or really most of it). Was under the impression only 4 faces where used... :oops:

But just going for the simple stuff like sample amount and aniso limit rest is still chinese to me but neverthless entertaining. :LOL:

GRID said:
<reflections faces="6" size="1024" forceBilinear="false" />
maybe in compare to pc version of shift cause nfs:shift on x360 looks like ass nowhere near to fm3.

Are you serious?:LOL:

I just downloaded and played the NFSS demo and it looks very good. In fact NFSS cockpit view looks better than FM3 cockpit view. That video I posted is proof and my Xbox is proof and my eyes are proof. I would say the environments is on par with FM3.

The best NFS: Shift vs FM3 was made on a own TV and 360, no need of youtube video…
And the result is FM3 win than Shift.
Made the test by yourself… ;)

Maybe you have a crappy TV?

On my LCD set to 1680x1050 resolution output, NFSS Xbox version in cockpit view looks quite a bit better than FM3. Don't even need to bring up the PC version.

@Nebula: I'm dont' speak about Shift PC version… only 360 version vs FM3…
I say "the best" for the best test is…

I'm not talking about PC version either.

Now if you don't believe me I could make my own HD youtube video for you to see.
Are you serious?:LOL:


dead serious . Fisrt thing when i downloaded demo was... yuck :S is this... this.. thing what i think it is ??? or was i fooled all the time by PC screens .


After demo my interest in this game reached 0. And i rly rly tried to spot something good about gfx what would make me woooow but apparently is not here or im blind or somehow too 'limited' to see it.

maybe cockpit view looks better im not sure but rest.... :S and since i play with bumper view...
I have been playing this a lot lately with the wife, actually a pretty fun racer overall with a constant stream of rewards to keep you feeling like you are achieving something even if you are not a racing ninja. The loading times are long at times but are not a show stopper as the racing itself is fun.

What does supremely suck however is how game saves work. First, you only get one. Screw something up and there is no stepping back to an earlier version.

Secondly, the $#%^%! thing is copy protected which means that if you have more than one PS3 (or your current one fries) you are out of luck. I used the data transfer utility to migrate my main install to a new slim yesterday and then discovered when I tried playing a round of NFS Shift in our bedroom that the old save was gone.

I understand wanting to avoid cheating but this type of copy protection is anti-customer. I find it hard to believe that they could not come up with a better checksum / encryption solution which would stop manual editing of save files without preventing me from enjoying the product I paid good money for.

I have not fired up this game on the new PS3 yet but if that save is also hooped this will likely be the last NFS I ever purchase.
Well, I´ve bought this game recently (Xbox version) and my thoughts are not too forgiving.

The game is OK but, in fact, there´s nothing really different from other offers and the handling and the challenge that other cars offer is not as interesting as games like GRID. In fact I think that the game that resembles Shift the most is GRID, and for me GRID is a beter package. I´m not "thrilled" with Shift by any means.

The graphics are quite good. The cockpit camera is only behind GT5 Prologue, and is only lighting that makes Prologue better (fidelity and even polycount seems the same; I´ll say that textures are better in shift). The comparison with Forza 3 is a bit unfair, because cockpit view in Forza is just the worst part of the game; it seems like Turn10 rushed the feature. The LOD appears when in-game the camera approach the car just at the beginning of the race. The tracks are well done (Forza´s are better, GRID has more or less the same quality if I remember correctly, maybe better too, and GT5 seems more "real" by far).

But the real problem is with pace and sensations. Everything seems OK but doesn´t "get" you. And that, in a world with so many racing games, is a problem really.

The big point in Shift is the cockpit view for me. It´s really very good. But otherwise the handling and the racing itself aren´t convincing. They may be more "real" (c´mon, not too much, but let say it) than GRID´s but the excitement is not there. Just my opinion, of course.
I thought Grid had absolutely shit handling due to exaggerated oversteer and no sense of weight in cars. I also thought it was piss easy to play, Shift was gold in comparison..but even then it can get a bit wonky.