DuckThor Evil
Extended E3 trailer
The same video was already posted (post 102) with even better quality. Nevertheless I can't describe accurately how hyped I'm about this game right now! This and Halo 3 are going to RULE! :smile:
Extended E3 trailer
Gametrailers has some vids from PAX:
It's getting quite polished.![]()
GOTY will be between Bioshock, Mass Effect and of course Halo 3.
GOTY will be between Bioshock, Mass Effect and of course Halo 3.
I'd also add Assasin's Creed to the list.
ME looks really good btw, questioin is how will it play?
[url=]Chris Priestly said:Some of the more observant of you may have noticed that I haven't had a chance to post much in the last little while and may be wondering what I've been up to.
Well, yesterday we had a major press event here at the BioWare offices. We had dozens of major gaming and other media groups up here to see a demonstration (that Casey and I gave for well over 1 hour), interview Ray, Greg, Casey, Drew and other Mass Effect team members and get their first hands on experience with Mass Effect.
People from 1Up, Team Xbox, G4, GameSpot and many, many more were allowed to play hours of the actual game so they could experience Mass Effect and now they are putting together their thoughts, impressions and early reviews of the game.
I don't know what they are going to say, but I can say that the event went over very well. To me, it looked like everyone was having fun and enjoying the game, but we don't know what they are going to say until their pieces or articles come out.
To keep things fair between all the groups, none of them can write about what they saw or post any new videos and screenshots until next monday September 17 at 9am PST (so 10 am BioWare time). But if I were you, I would be keeping an eye out on Monday to see what they thought of the game. I know I will be. Just a little heads up to you all that a whole heap of new Mass Effect info is on the way.
But if I were you, I would be keeping an eye out on Monday to see what they thought of the game. I know I will be. Just a little heads up to you all that a whole heap of new Mass Effect info is on the way."]
Some of the more observant of you may have noticed that I haven't had a chance to post much in the last little while and may be wondering what I've been up to.
Well, yesterday we had a major press event here at the BioWare offices. We had dozens of major gaming and other media groups up here to see a demonstration (that Casey and I gave for well over 1 hour), interview Ray, Greg, Casey, Drew and other Mass Effect team members and get their first hands on experience with Mass Effect.
People from 1Up, Team Xbox, G4, GameSpot and many, many more were allowed to play hours of the actual game so they could experience Mass Effect and now they are putting together their thoughts, impressions and early reviews of the game.
I don't know what they are going to say, but I can say that the event went over very well. To me, it looked like everyone was having fun and enjoying the game, but we don't know what they are going to say until their pieces or articles come out.
To keep things fair between all the groups, none of them can write about what they saw or post any new videos and screenshots until next monday September 17 at 9am PST (so 10 am BioWare time). But if I were you, I would be keeping an eye out on Monday to see what they thought of the game. I know I will be. Just a little heads up to you all that a whole heap of new Mass Effect info is on the way.
I think Bioware never ever flopped when it came to making a game that is pleasing to play. Sure, they caught flak for this or that, but overall, they never had a stinker. Not even with the original NWN(that one actually turned into a jewel throughout it's lifecycle, through the community and the expansions). So I'm fairly certain this'll be a stellar experience also.
A BioDude is hovering discouragingly; I'm getting close to a "major spoiler" and it's his job to make sure my Shepard doesn't walk into the one room and talk to the one guy that'll wreck it for everyone. Quit back to the menu (goodnight, Irene Shepard; I'll see you in my dreams!) and I'm left with 1) an impression of a rock-solid BioWare-standard game, an epic RPG superbly designed, written, art-directed and realized, promising hours of space-hero adventure; and 2) a case of The Itch so bad I'll spend the next two months using Gold Bond cream and hand moisturizer.