[360] Fable III

I'm a little worried about the Sanctuary. I wonder if it is accessible at any time or what? Because, if not, in some ways I think I preferred the old clothing system to the Sanctuary/GTA system. Sure it was a pain because the inventory lists were too long, and the 360 was pretty slow at displaying them, and about half of the dyes were the color of dried blood. But it was always accessible! If anything, I'd advise all console designers (Bioware I am also glaring AT YOU) to eliminate any fancy UI you have going on, and trade it in for FAST MENUS. Sure, you're worried that 50% of your game is staring at Inventory screens, so they'd better be gorgeous but... first of all, your Inventory screens are still far, far, far away from works of art. And second, once your client is more than an hour through the game, she's no longer interested in how your radial menu swirls into action, or how fricking gimongous your completely played out "MEDIEVALE FONTE" is. Arial and fast as shit would be a lot, lot better.I'm exaggerating, of course, and you should let your art team take a crack at something a little better than a monochrome and sans-serif menu, but not to the detriment of performance. Twelve pages of Inventory and stat sheets wouldn't be so bad if it only took a second to page through all of them and find the thing you need (although branching menus are better, hello, they are casual gamers but not completely braindead). This is actually my biggest gripe with all of these console RPGs, and I really wish that someone would take it seriously and stop pussyfooting around with it. Taking away aprt of the inventory and putting it in a graphical wardrobe may improve immersion slightly, but it may also bore the player to tears after the first two chapters.

This is why my #1 RPG interface of recent years is Resonance of Fate. It even has a clothing room a la GTA, but it's all so fast and elegant that it's not really a problem. Sure, gameplaywise, it's scarcely an RPG. But regardless of how you feel about that, after twelve hours, if you hate RoF, it's because you don't like the game, not because you're sick and tired of holding down the radial menu button, or of retracing your steps to the castle for the 400th time.
Played the game for about an hour just to check it out. Though it's not a technical powerhouse, the graphics look good and I was impressed by the little details (movement of clothes and hair on your girlfriend for ex.). Art is great again and the voice acting is solid.

Just finished Ninja Storm 2 this morning, so hopefully later today I'll be able to sit down and really give Fable some time.
When is the PC version releasing ?

I want to play this game but if the PC version is around the corner then I'll probably just wait for it to come out, considering it'll be much cheaper.
I don't think there's a date for the PC version announced. Seems pretty standard. They seem to not want to cannibalize console sales by announcing the PC date and having people hold out.

Played some more last night. Some funny side quests. I still haven't leveled up any of my weapons. I'm wondering how long it takes. Trying to decide if I should work on the default weapons, or work enough to buy a new one and level that up instead.
I really like this game because it feels like a mash-up of all the good things from Fable 1 & 2. It's just fun. And whimsical. Can't forget that.

So I played some more and learned a few things. This game isnt very good at letting you know how it works, so I figure we can share some of the things we've discovered so far.

- When accessing the map, you can bring up the compelte quest log by hitting the "Y" button.

- I love the Sanctuary. No seriously I love it! Did you know that as soon as you enter the sanctuary you can hit up, down, left or right on the D-pad to immediately teleport to the other rooms? It's fast!

- I'm finding money is in the property, but there is upkeep so pay attention to the repairs.

- You might be tempted to quick travel to your locations, but the areas to explore outside the towns are fulfilling. Sit back, relax and explore. Fable 3 has been rewarding and fun in this regard.

- I bumped into a friend last night who is playing the game and he didnt realize there were gifts sitting in the Sanctuary just waiting for him to open (next to the dog!) Open them up if you already havent--they're awesome gifts from Lionhead Studios.

- In coop, you and your buddy are tethered to one another at all times so when you go to the sanctuary you will pull your buddy with you. Can be frustrating, but also I think this is done for technical reasons.
It seems to me like some of the regions are larger than the Fable 2 regions. I'm not talking huge, like Oblivion, but it takes awhile to full explore some of the maps.

I'm going to play a good session tonight. I'm going to do a lot of side questing for a while, since there are so many available.
The sanctuary is a great feature. Yes, you're going to a different place but it's very fast and much quicker to go through your options than a list based menu.

I've only gone as far as getting becoming allies with the dwellers, which is the first real quest but I've already spend close to 7 hours. The combat is a bit more flashy but I really miss not having time slow as one of the powers! I abused that in combat, esp when you focused it at an enemy.

I focused early to build up my economy so I already own all the houses in the Dwellers Camp and Brightfall Village. Bumped the rent up tot he highest. They might hate me now but I'll turn the rent down when cash flow isn't an issue. I figured money was going to be an issue when you're King so my focus has primarily been on property management.

I love the new map and property management, esp now that the land of Albion is much larger. Running around door to door would have been a pain otherwise.
I'm stoked about this game now. Moreover, my wife will be absolutely ecstatic, and it will keep me from having to watch her replay Mass Effect 2. ;) I'm glad it sounds like they made Sanctuary fast and painless. I have no problem with a sort of a "visual menu" as long as it doesn't degrade performance. And I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about, a problem often amplified by console access speeds.

Yeah Fable may be pretty mediocre on the excitement factor, but Lionhead certainly know how to create a charming world of whimsy. And the British voice acting is really the best part. I'd wager that all of us who are fond of Fable can list as a favorite moment hearing things like "CHIKIN CHAYSAH!" And I imagine all the Fable haters would be disgusted by hearing that over and over... Anyway, I'm going to pick this one up tonight. Shit, I wonder what it costs over here..?
I focused early to build up my economy so I already own all the houses in the Dwellers Camp and Brightfall Village. Bumped the rent up tot he highest. They might hate me now but I'll turn the rent down when cash flow isn't an issue.


I remember doing the same thing in Fable 2. First thing I did was get up enough money to buy the gypsy village and rake them over the coals for their rent, then use that to start buying up property in Bowerstone.

I wonder if the upkeep on the property will bite you like Warcrow implied above?
Scott just proposed to me. It was beautiful. Cheap bastard did a 0$ wedding. Hopefully, he'll make it up with the honeymoon. We're gonna adopt a baby.
This game is a menace to my time. I remember shortly after midnight telling Robert I shouldn't play much longer. Next thing I know it's 2AM and I'm still playing. The side quests are very amusing.