Finished the game last night and there are ton of quests that open up after the main story is completed. The story is greatly improved over Fable 2 without losing any of it's charm. The act before becoming King was very well done. The story is always ramping up and had good intensity similar to Mass Effect 1.
There are only 3 things I didn't like about Fable 3.
1. The expression wheel and system from Fable 2 is better. This is a step backwards
2. Technical issues. In the beginning the game has severe slowdowns and yet somehow as I played more, the gameplay got smoother. The slowdown became less and less even though I was in the same area and generally asking more from the system (super spell and such)
3. Glitches. While I'm lucky to have only experienced the mute butler glitch, others have not been as lucky.
Aside from those 3 issues, everything else is greatly improved over Fable 2 to the point that Fable 3 dispalced Fable 2 as my game of the generation. I never stop having fun playing a Fable game.
Once I complete all the side quests and clean up most of the achievements, I'm going to start a new evil character. The evil choice just seem so much fun. Can't wait to see how the landscape and people change.
If anyone is playing through as a pure good character, money is you best friend.