18,000 posts?!!?

but hey, if you start deleting old posts with no rep attached starting now...

...you'll be older than geo is now by the time you're done! :devilish:
I'm over 1.0 :)
I don't like your system, I'm going back to the old way....


Ill admit somthing pretty sad.... I was looking forward to you making 20,000 and even before you reached 18,000 I had already spotted that you were on your way.

Does that make me homosexual?

Oh lordie, Im so confused, dont tell anyone.......... LOL,

Congrats LB, Do you know what, I think you should get uttar or who ever has direct admin to the Mysql database of the forum database to put your count back to 18,2xx or whatever it was, before you had 3 inches lopped off your manhood !!

By extrapolation of my numbers that makes you 12 inches in total !!

I think that deserves a rep point............ dont you ? !! ;-)
Hey, c'mon, this just means he gets to celebrate 18k all over again like it's the first time!

Down the road he'd pay us to do the same thing with birthdays! :D
Now that you mention it, i was also almost looking forward to my 20k... Oh well we'll have to wait a bit more now... 4 weeks instead of 2! :LOL: