15 titles for PlayStation 3 launch, says Hirai

xbdestroya said:
Also I think that playing this game two people in the same room would ultimately equal tedium. But if they get it going online, both players with an EyeToy or whatever, then I think it has some 'cool' potential.
Seems very similar to existing card games played two player in the room, so I don't see why it would be any more tedious than those, which is purely a matter of taste. There's a certain slowness ot the game as shown, but if they have an option to skip some of the cinematics and have fast summons, it'd run as fast as a two player card game but with added ping. Online is definitely a good idea, where you'd see only your cards, but it begs the question how could you prevent the opponent (or yourself!) cheating? If following the tradition of drawing random cards from a deck, without the other player in the room you could look through your cards and find whatever card you want. Personally I'd like to see a game that lost this random element. It doesn't matter how good you make your deck, being unlucky with the cards can kill you.
xbdestroya said:
Oh I didn't think you were - and of course I know you're at PSINext B-Boy. :cool:

But hearing that it is in fact being set up for a launch, makes me wonder how they will implement it. The software needs some work, I have to be straight up about that. It sometimes read the wrong cards, or sometimes just took a while to register. But assuming they fix that, are we talking about a ROM-based game with a CCG revenue stream on the side? That could be interesting. Also I think that playing this game two people in the same room would ultimately equal tedium. But if they get it going online, both players with an EyeToy or whatever, then I think it has some 'cool' potential.
Yeah, I noticed some iffy parts on some demonstration videos I watched. I'm sure things will work out fine though. Seems the tech is there, they just have to work out the glitches and add more content.

Looks like this game has one major mode of play which is versus mode, not that it's a bad thing (how else are you going to play a card game) But it seems like it needs more content, or more cards to play with. With more cards/creatures and online play, this game could get pretty interesting. I read somewhere that they might also have distribution for cards you can buy in the store like baseball cards to update your "roster." If they play their cards right (pun intended :p) this could get very interesting.

I think the big plus, atleast for me, is with this game the ps3 does everything for you. I never got into card games like 'magic the gathering' when I was younger basically because they were kinda intimidating, I didnt really care for learning how to play the game(i think that i also collected sports cards may have had something to do with it also lol). But hell, most people I knew who had the cards didnt know how to play either, they just collected them for the hell of it. I think the fact that the ps3 does all the 'calculations' for you, its really straight forward and could open some doors to the genre to appeal to more people.

Btw, I think I posted this on another forum, but the fact that they confirm this as a launch title also confirms the eyetoy will be available at launch which is good news by itself.

Sorry for getting a little OT. :)
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Shifty Geezer said:
Seems very similar to existing card games played two player in the room, so I don't see why it would be any more tedious than those, which is purely a matter of taste. There's a certain slowness ot the game as shown, but if they have an option to skip some of the cinematics and have fast summons, it'd run as fast as a two player card game but with added ping. Online is definitely a good idea, where you'd see only your cards, but it begs the question how could you prevent the opponent (or yourself!) cheating? If following the tradition of drawing random cards from a deck, without the other player in the room you could look through your cards and find whatever card you want. Personally I'd like to see a game that lost this random element. It doesn't matter how good you make your deck, being unlucky with the cards can kill you.

Well you make some very good points, but so that said, the game loses even more appeal IMO.

I was there one foot from the camera, with a giant screen in front of me, with cards being played - and one out of every two plays would read incorrectly. Maybe it was just the calibration of the camera in my demo. But I mean, I used to be a big Magic fan (and I'll take it to anyone with my Blue/Black deck), but after seeing what I saw, the idea of every turn taking five times longer than just playing the cards would require... that turns into a nightmare in my mind.

Bad_Boy said:
Btw, I think I posted this on another forum, but the fact that they confirm this as a launch title also confirms the eyetoy will be available at launch which is good news by itself.

Sorry for getting a little OT. :)

Ok now that I agree with; the sooner the next-gen EyeToy comes out the better. :)
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Shifty, I dont think this specific game works like "draw from the top of the deck" so cheating wont be a issue. I think the game will ship with say 100+ cards, But to play the game You choose 30 cards out of your roster to play with someone else. And then lay down any card you think is strategicly correct to take over the 5 squares on the grid. (the game is based on elementals so theres pros and cons to every move) I suppose If you select your cards, then put in your selected cards in the game's menu it would prevent cheating. But the time it takes to put your cards in might take the fun out of things.

Who knows what they have planned for this game. But it's probably a little OT for now as the topic is about Haz's quote. Theres a Eye of Judgement thread I wouldnt mind joining you guys in. :p
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Bad_Boy said:
Who knows what they have planned for this game. But it's probably a little OT for now as the topic is about Haz's quote. Theres a Eye of Judgement thread I wouldnt mind joining you guys in. :p

Well Shifty started that thread so for his part I'm sure he's well aware of it. :)

But I'll stop my thread derailment and take EoJ discussion there.
I don't care what it is, that EyeToy augmentation game (Eye of Judgement?) is hot looking. Also has the potential to be a very profitable game if done right. I can see them milking people like a Magic game... big money there.
Originally Posted by Bad_Boy
1st party:
-Eye of Judgement
-Resistence: Fall of man
-Untold Ledgends: Dark Kingdom
-Genji 2 (Q4 2006)
-Formula One 06
-NBA 07 (Q4 2006)

According to this interview Motorstorm and Formula One have slipped into 2007 release dates.
Bummer for motorstorm. I suppose its better for them to put more quality in the game rather than rushing it out. A couple months shouldnt be too big of a wait when your still playing with launch titles.

early 2007 is going to be a bit reckless :p
-assasins creed
-virtua fighter 5
-god of war 2
-virtua tennis 3
-brothers in arms 3
-heavenly sword
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Yeah, it looks like Heavenly Sword is also delayed until 2007 along with MotorStorm and Formula 1. Not a big deal IMO. GRAW, FNR3, and Oblivion were "launch window" titles for MS and that worked out well for them. Of course they were the only next gen console out...

But waht did catch my attention were the very strong words there:

When Sony Computer Entertainment Europe CEO David Reeves admits that "key launch titles" will slip into 2007 he also admits that to Sony, it doesn't really matter what ships at launch.

"We have built up a certain brand equity over time since the launch of PlayStation in 1995 and PS2 in 2000 that the first five million are going to buy it, whatever it is, even it didn't have games," Reeves told Computer and Video Games in an interview. During the same interview, Reeves admits that Heavenly Sword, Motorstorm and Formula One will all see release in early 2007 within the PS3 "launch window." Insomniac's gritty World War II shooter (with aliens) Resistance: Fall of Man will be there at launch according to Reeves.

It's not games like Heavenly Sword slipping into the "launch window" instead of the "launch day" category that is concerning -- it's Sony admitting that even if there were no games to purchase, consumers would still be lining up en masse to grab the PS3. We get it, Sony, you were the market leader for two solid generations of console making, but you might be placing a little too much faith in the perceived strength of your brand to ask people to fork over $600 for your console regardless of the available software.

I agree with Reeves. BUT, you do not flaunt that to your customers. You don't tell them, "I am gonna sell you poop on a stick and you will buy it no matter what". That kind of attitude is insulting.

So what will be shipping with the console in November 2006?

As an aside, I get the feeling MS will be seeing a number of titles slide. We already saw a couple 3rd party titles slide (MoH and BiA), but I get the feeling Mass Effect, Crackdown, and Too Human will be joining Bioshock in 2007.

It will be nice when we get a concrete feel for what will be, and wont be, a 2006 title.
Wow....heavenly sword seemed to be their ace title for launch. The annoying thing about saying 2007 is you have no idea at what time. Atleast 2006, you know it's only a month a half from the launch date to the end of the year. Atleast say which quarterin 2007.

As for his comment, just plain arrogant and stupid. Way to make your loyal customers feel stupid.
Acert93 said:
I agree with Reeves. BUT, you do not flaunt that to your customers. You don't tell them, "I am gonna sell you poop on a stick and you will buy it no matter what". That kind of attitude is insulting.
Indeed! If I were one of those customers I'd boycott the product, and maybe write him a rude letter!
RobertR1 said:
As for his comment, just plain arrogant and stupid. Way to make your loyal customers feel stupid.
...Or it has a plethora of non-gaming functions loaded already.
one said:
...Or it has a plethora of non-gaming functions loaded already.
Not the way he said it though
We have built up a certain brand equity over time since the launch of PlayStation in 1995 and PS2 in 2000 that the first five million are going to buy it, whatever it is, even it didn't have games
That is, PlayStation is such a strong brand that whatever PS3 is, they'll buy it regardless. They don't need any reasons or features. He didn't say...
PS3 has such a strong set of features that even without games, the first five million will want it.
Shifty Geezer said:
Not the way he said it though
That is, PlayStation is such a strong brand that whatever PS3 is, they'll buy it regardless. They don't need any reasons or features. He didn't say...
That "whatever" comment reminds me of the huge backlash against the "Wii" name ;) In the fleeting world of today, people can forget things really quickly...
To be clear, Sony/NT were saying at E3 that HS was a 07 title (probably early 07, though, as NT classed it as "launch window", so depending on how long one's launch window is...;)). It was not officially slated for launch day. From Reeve's comments, Motorstorm's delay is the only news, I think, and whilst I was looking forward to picking it up on day one, I'm sure it'll benefit greatly from the extra time.

Acert93 said:
I agree with Reeves. BUT, you do not flaunt that to your customers. You don't tell them, "I am gonna sell you poop on a stick and you will buy it no matter what". That kind of attitude is insulting.

I wouldn't be insulted by a theory. They're not exactly planning to execute on such comments!
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3roxor said:
I'm glad Motorstorm gets the care it needs. I can see them getting very close to the trailer.

I agree about the time. It looks like a very fun game and giving it polish time can be the difference between a "very cool... ok, whats next?" type game and "wow, this is the funnest game I have ever played! I... cannot... stop... playing!" If the gameplay is there (i.e. easy to get into, large learning curve where good driving results in wins, a lot of nuances to master) this could be a game people play for years online. I think it could be that good. It looks like an absolute blast and with a nice learning curve and a lot of features and variety this could be a great, great franchise.

As for the trailer comment, are we talking about the same trailer? I have seen a couple shots now and it is obviously faking a number of things at a much lower quality than the trailer. It will never come close to the trailer. Artistically it can be in theme and spirit, but the quality and methods of achieving the looks are significantly different. It depends on how you classify "very close" but after taking a look again it is pretty clear the fidelity gap is vast.

Not that MotorStorm is a dog -- it is a nice looking game and has little to be ashamed of by next gen standards.