Where does your username come from?

A long time ago... when Everquest was relatively new, I was trying to decide on a name for a Dark Elf magician.... After many clicks of the random name generator, Ninelven came up. At the time, Nine Inch Nails (NIN) was one of my favorite bands. The character was a Dark Elf (NIN + elven), so it seemed to fit. Originally, everyone thought I must drive a Porsche... now they usually think it has something to with 9/11.

Why I use the handle today? Its rarely used, so I am able to keep the same handle across a variety of places.
I'm a big guy(6'4-250 pounds) but didnt like the nickname "tiny".....so I chose micron instead.....:rolleyes:......dont ask....I didnt know what I was thinking....:rolleyes:
Humus is a soil layer. Heard it in biology class and thought it sounded funny. Once I got into online gaming and needed a nickname I decided to use it and it has stuck since then.
My twin brother and I were tring to think up our first 'nicknames' (as we were 80's children the word 'Ace' was very popular) so Michael was 'Ace' and as I was born second logically I was 'AceII', I regesited on the '3D Files' board as AceII, but the board crashed and everyone required a new screenname so I became PeterAce and it just stuck. Now I always register with this nickname.
Crypto was a name that was given to me by my sportbike riding peers in 1991, because they used to say that my wheelies were "CRYPTO MANIC", don't ask me where that name came from. Eventually, they just started calling me Crypto, and the name stuck. 1300 came from my favorite motorcycle, the Suzuki Hayabusa 1300cc.
My moniker is derived from a standup comedian who hates his own guts, enjoys women pissing on him and will gladly make fun of your dead kids.
About 9-10 years ago, back in High School, I started to play my first persistent online game, Avatar MUD. This was the name I chose for my first character (totally at random), and have subsequently used it for most of my online interactions.

I later found out that there is a Star Trek: TNG race that goes by the same name.
t0y said:
It's my real-life nickname since 1989, based on the portuguese singer "Toy". I don't know why, it sticked even though I hate the guy, his music, and I don't even remotely look like him.

Lucky. He looks like a cross between Dave Navarro and Nick Nack.
"blaK" is cooler than "black"...

When I was "on line" for my fraternity (back in 1992) they called us "Jedis" because we would have to use our minds to get through difficult situations... shrug...

it is my online name in everything I do...
Rys said:
That can be fixed, if you're not attached to it by now. Let me know.

I'm such a lazy, humble and uncareful (made up word?) guy that I never asked for it or even thought to ask. thanks, feel free to fix it :)
Wasted college buddy told me that, with my then very long red hair and beard, I looked like Heat Mizer from the Rudolf holiday claymation movies. Mize became my contracted college nick.
What I want to know is where did "Winterbird@nerdshack.com" get his username? Because I love it. Without question my favorite username on this forum.
Blazkowicz said:
I'm such a lazy, humble and uncareful (made up word?) guy that I never asked for it or even thought to ask. thanks, feel free to fix it :)
All hail the underscoreless Blazkowicz!
Martin Eddy said:
I tried to get a hotmail address as marty and it suggested madmartyau because i'm from australia. I thought it best to keep that name for every thing on the internet. I only use my real name for my Gamertag so my customers can recognise me easily.

Of course that post makes no sense now because our illustrious E.I.C granted my wish to change my user name. :D