Unreal Engine 5, [UE5 Developer Availability 2022-04-05]

"Many-Light Rendering Using ReSTIR-Sampled Shadow Maps (to appear in Eurographics 2025)" 👀

Pretty sure it uses Nanite, no lod pop means nanite is a real good bet.

From the DF article on the game

The game is also one of the most polished releases we've experienced on console for quite some time, which is surprising as it's an Unreal Engine 5 release - which allows for some striking visual features, but also typically opens the door to some familiar issues, vis a vis compromised image quality and traversal and/or shader compilation stutter.

The reason is perhaps that the game doesn't look to use any of the headline UE5 features, such as Lumen global illumination, Nanite geometry, MetaHuman NPCs or virtual shadow maps (VSMs).
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A game called Brickadia has integrated PhysX 5 in UE5.1 engine, instead of Chaos, citing huge performance uplifts with PhysX 5 over Chaos in large simulations.
Another developer shared similar experience, the developer of Kingsmaker (a physics heavy game) cited they didn't switch to UE5 for their game, and instead relied on UE4, because nothing was faster than PhysX on the CPU (timestamped).

https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/commit/41bd224e05888559bb154c76327a2214cf0fd9b4 (need to have a github account that is granted access to the repository, else you get a 404 ) looks like Epic is developing a plugin that converts static actors that only represent geometry to a non-actor type. Also implements streaming for them off the game thread. The objects not being an UObject anymore will also safe some memory and garbage collection time. Some developers like CDPR already rolled their own but now smaller developers get to have this type of a system. I like that they made it a separate plugin as it gives studios a reference implementation to alter for their use case (for instance CDPR said their system makes a distinction of objects inside and outside buildings). This won't solve the stutters you get from spawning actors but it might free up some game thread time to give games some headroom to make those stutters less severe.