The Complete List of PC Ray Traced Titles with Classification

With pathtracing the shading and materials in moden games looks detailed and cohesive.

Raster and most RT games look like the left side of the picture to me. They have an overall impression that is flat and gamey.


As far as the The Half Life 2 remaster is concerned it could use more geometry and a more interesting design of the world in many places. Individual objects are detailed but the game world looks old-fashioned.
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As far as the The Half Life 2 remaster is concerned it could use more geometry and a more interesting design of the world in many places. Individual objects are detailed but the game world looks old-fashioned.

That would entail a proper remake. The mod is targeting the original environment, characters and objects just with better detail and lighting.
As it turns out, the original HL2 looks a hell of a lot better with this kind of lighting. I'm not sure why it warranted this type of discussion? Was someone trying to convince you HL2 is a modern game just because it picked up a mod which enables raytracing and object replacement? If so, didn't see it.
Can I not give my opinion on this? As nice as such updates on older gamer are I would be even more interested in good current gen (AAA) games with such technology.

For example, I would like playing Battlefield 7 with pathtracing.
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You're welcome to give your opinion just like I'm welcome to give mine; I didn't insinuate otherwise. Rather, I asked why such a statement is even necessary? Your statement of "a modern, ambition game would look hell of a lot better with this kind of lighting" is a non-sequitur. Of course it would, in what world would it not? By the way, CP2077 says Hi, so does the new Indiana Jones, and Control, and Doom Eternal, and Avatar, and so many other gorgeous, ambition, modern games.

They already make "good current gen (AAA) games with such technology." I'm not sure why you think they don't?
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With pathtracing the shading and materials in moden games looks detailed and cohesive.

Raster and most RT games look like the left side of the picture to me. They have an overall impression that is flat and gamey.

View attachment 13309
This is a shockingly flawed/biased comparison. For one thing, the rasterised version hasn't even basic shadows. You could disable shadow drawing for the RT image and get something looking similarly wrong, while a rasterised image with artistic fakes would look a lot better and closer in approximation to the RT version.

This isn't an argument for or against any rendering method - it's a criticism of this comparison.
I don't find it shocking. Raster looks like this. Even if you add a little SSAO, SSR etc. to it.

Shadwos are activated here and raster just looks fake as in every game:
Comparison PT off vs. on:

Whether it''s shading, shadows, lighting, etc. Raster just looks wrong.

And here a few screenshots with pre baked visuals from the TLoU remaster on PC. Pathtracing is many many times more accurate.
tlou (3).jpgtlou (5).jpgtlou (8).jpg
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I don't find it shocking. Raster looks like this. Even if you add a little SSAO, SSR etc. to it.

And here a few screenshots with pre baked visuals from the TLoU remaster on PC. Pathtracing is many many times more accurate.
No-one said otherwise, but your example was a worst-case comparison. You should have just used better and fair references to support your argument.
In the control universe I guess. Looks like control on acid, and releasing on steam so should do a bit better on pc than aw2 did. Looks great, grab a beer and get carried by my way to serious friends as I annoy them as I wander about inspecting the graphics and not playing the objective.

Hey at least I admit the truth ;) I hope there's no mechanics to leave me behind at extraction or however a run ends.
Crimson Desert developer showed the capabilities of their proprietary engine, the game will be launching with ray traced shadows, reflections, and possibly global illumination.

The game is advancing tech in another direction as well, by supporting GPU physics in the form of GPU fog, cloth, hair and water simulations. This is a very good development that I wish will be replicates by other developers.
