When looking back in retrospect one design decision I'd make with the PS2 is to either give 8 or 16 MB of edram instead of 4.
Namco System 256 apparently had 8MB of eDRAM.
Oh, that's interesting. Did they increase EE clock speed aswell?
It would've been rad to have two vector units directly tied to the GS while keeping one properly tied up to the MIPS core. Being able to pre-feed VU0 into VU1 was probably unnecessary and would've been better positioned to assist the MIPS core in physics and "emotion synthesis".When looking back in retrospect one design decision I'd make with the PS2 is to either give 8 or 16 MB of edram instead of 4. I'm sure they could have designed it given the graphics chip in gscube has 32.
Maybe ditch VUO for another VU1.
It’s good for procedural geometry, various kinds of culling, physics, simple modifier volumes, particles, inclination of geometry WRT camera to select appropriate MIP level etc.What would have made a measurable difference for not a lot of messing around with the design would be to simply give VU0 the same 16Kb as VU1 has.
The 8Kb is has is too small and part of the reason why it saw very little use.
It’s good for procedural geometry, various kinds of culling, physics, simple modifier volumes, particles, inclination of geometry WRT camera to select appropriate MIP level etc.
It has indirect access to the 16 KB scratchpad too.
If it wasn’t used, I’d lay most blame on the devs. Their fear of the game and techniques not being transferable and their reluctance to try new stuff.
Perhaps VU1 was too good? It made using the VU0 feel redundant.
The stuff I mentioned, takes up very little data. The code is the same for many instances of the same transform or hit detection.There were plenty of things developers wanted to do with it, they just couldn't get them in to it's small 8KB of memory.
The stuff I mentioned, takes up very little data. The code is the same for many instances of the same transform or hit detection.
The stuff I mentioned, takes up very little data. The code is the same for many instances of the same transform or hit detection.There were plenty of things developers wanted to do with it, they just couldn't get them in to it's small 8KB of memory.
Would you even notice the difference of 448 lines compared to 480 lines on a CRT?
I mean it is basically the same image, but 16 pixels on top and bottom are left blank.
Which is only 6% less, so not a big deal.
And those 16 lines would perhaps not be seen due to TV overscan, I could imagine?
What do you think?
Definitely noticeable on a PAL tv as it changed the size of the black bars top and bottom
Indeed, but without direct memory access. The GS can't try to use a texture and, if it's not in EDRAM, fetch it. the VRAM needs to be loaded with whatever the GS is wanting. There's zero automatic caching and it's entirely up to the devs to balance the GIF and keep the workloads optimised and data present.
But my guess was, that in NTSC-mode with 448 lines (or a properly done PAL-conversion with 512 actively used lines) the bars at least would be appear relatively small due to the CRT TV overscan hiding much, if not all of it.
Yeah that's the case. 448 lines NTSC (or PAL 60) does more or less cover the full vertical height of the tv.
Old consoles used the overscan time to send data to vram or to change things like the contents of the colour ram. If you can make the overscan areas visible you can sometimes see coloured pixels that are a side effect of changing things like the colour palette.