I hate sex workers more than ever!

Is it time to throw in the towel?

What is it with their scamming, pompousness, or bad attitude? And these bots on free OnlyFans accounts. Meh.

This isn't fun in my view. It's boring and irritating. :D
I would definitely throw in the towel. I've only used the services of a sex worker once about 37 years ago when I was 21 and I did it the old fashioned way since we didn't have the interwebs and such. Went to the Sugar Shack strip club in Calumet City, IL and ordered their $60 of champagne.

It was unfulfilling and sort of sad, like masturbating but paying someone to help with it. Decided it wasn't for me.
Their attitude completely stinks. It doesn't matter if it's escorts, porn stars, "models" or dommes. I have contacted dozens of them over the years, and only like 3 in every 50 you contact are decent and give a good, down to earth first impression. The rest are just totally odd or arrogant.

I'll be courteous and not name people. I could. But these ones who do BDSM have the most sad attitude. You cannot message them or anything, without fear of some type of nasty reaction. Very cold and awkward. Then they ironically complain about being ignored on X. Or moan about their business drying up.

You would have to be higher than a kite or pretty worthless to simp for them, knowing they don't give a crap about you.

Just full of themselves and putting profit over politeness. This carry on can invariably involve being scammed, ghosted, blackballed, and mistreated. Then you just feel dumb for having bothered.
Well, it cannot be any worse than the people online who keep saying, "Resident Evil 4 is teh GOAT of all RE games despite having barely any horror in it. AKA ZOMG!!!!111OneEleven".

God, that's so nippy. ;)

But yeah. About the only woman I know online who is a dominatrix and is nice, is this gothic one from London. She'd kick your arse. All the rest are a lost cause.

There was one I messaged who claims she got raped when she was a teenager. Posts videos of herself defecating in a bowl and has a really lousy, unforgiven nature about her. What's even more sad is that the guys they berate on X are who provides their income. So much for that, "You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours" pish. They would rather you just gave away all your finances for nout, and screw fulfilling your desires.

On OnlyFans, they keep sending you messages (likely via a bot, I suspect) and want you to pay to unlock their ten a penny, run of the mill wank fodder that you would rather prefer to view simply by subscribing. Then they hide their face half of the time.

Like, I'm not paying ten quid just for to view some badly edited together POV shots.
It's a bit different from viewing regular porn in that you pay to interact with the content creators, usually to build up a potential bond. But on these platforms, you're not allowed to ask for bookings (or meets). The constant spamming for tips is annoying, though. It's the same as a homeless person shaking a cup at you for spare change, and then being rude if they're ignored.

If you know their email address or relevant platforms, you can contact them that way. But I don't need pretentious whores in my life, nor do I need gaming forums like GameFAQs. It has gotten to the point where I can take it or leave it.
It's a bit different from viewing regular porn in that you pay to interact with the content creators, usually to build up a potential bond. But on these platforms, you're not allowed to ask for bookings (or meets). The constant spamming for tips is annoying, though. It's the same as a homeless person shaking a cup at you for spare change, and then being rude if they're ignored.

If you know their email address or relevant platforms, you can contact them that way. But I don't need pretentious whores in my life, nor do I need gaming forums like GameFAQs. It has gotten to the point where I can take it or leave it.
Personally I find the idea of interacting while watching porn to be unappealing. It's a personal activity for me that I do in shame like any good middle aged married family man. :)
Think of it like this.

If you went to your local Iceland or Co-op store and the staff acted like jerks whenever you approached them, you would probably feel like taking your custom elsewhere. I know I would.

Ultimately, it is that attitude of theirs which I find annoying. It ain't their services. Although, yes. A lot of them do seem to make up things to entice you, then you can judge what they do based on the meet. Most of them just go through the motions. Even if they don't like doing the job, a bit of friendliness from the beginning will bode well for feedback.

The trouble is, some of them identify as witches, or sadists. So obviously it's not you. They're just pretty messed up, and it's therefore a non starter. Unless of course you're a sadist too, then you may be a better match.

I think I've been contacting some rather sick women. But I still don't get why they behave in a really aggressive manner when they don't even know me. I've never said anything to indicate I'm gonna present a problem.
Besides women being tarty, I will never understand why people get obsessed with celebrities either. Singers. Musicians. Actors. Chavs on reality TV.

It's just pointless. But I guess the media is loving every second of it.

Yeah, suppose someone is super talented. Cool. And? What else? A lot of these people are just 'yes, men' (and women), only with way more money than us. They take a lot of crap and feel bad about themselves quite often as well.

But unless you've met these famous personalities, why simp for them? They don't know you. So people having slagging matches over them is sad.

It's like football. People try to murder fans of other teams because their team lost a match, or whatever. And to me, that's just lame. It's not in good taste at all, and just verifies what I've been saying about our modern society all along.

The police aren't angels either. I call them Wayne Couzens, or the pigs. My mate refers to them as the Wankers Association.
It's a bit different from viewing regular porn in that you pay to interact with the content creators, usually to build up a potential bond.

There's no bond there, potential or otherwise. It's entirely transactional and relies on parasocial relationships forming. The fact that you just described it as a bond suggests it's not compatible with you.

Please, for your own sake, stop interacting with such prostitutes. Just hop on PornHub, have a wank as though you have a cold and you're blowing your nose, and move on with your day.

If you really feel like you need an in person prostitute, then fair enough. Just remember that they aren't going to be intimate like a girlfriend, they operate more like a carer at a nursing home: they're there to facilitate a biological function.

Prostitutes, digital or otherwise, are never going to be a source of romantic relationships. There will never be a real bond there.

I think I've been contacting some rather sick women.
Yeah, maybe...
There was one I messaged who claims she got raped when she was a teenager. Posts videos of herself defecating in a bowl
The name Jack Attack is perfect. Did you create this account 19 years ago and wait until now for the payoff? Dude is playing the long game.
I believe they joined under "Grace Saunders" and changed it to "Flashlight" then "thesaunderschild" then "Sword of Obedience" then "Rubber Ball" then "Disinfecting Alchohol" then "Jack Deth" then "Roger Cobb" then "Cowboys and Indians" then "Grace Saunders" then to "Jack Attack" sometime around June or July?

Not sure, my memory ain't so hot. 😞
I believe they joined under "Grace Saunders" and changed it to "Flashlight" then "thesaunderschild" then "Sword of Obedience" then "Rubber Ball" then "Disinfecting Alchohol" then "Jack Deth" then "Roger Cobb" then "Cowboys and Indians" then "Grace Saunders" then to "Jack Attack" sometime around June or July?

Not sure, my memory ain't so hot. 😞
WTF lol.
Well, I initially changed my name because of some Australian guy being an idiot on other sites, on YouTube, and so on. Then he just listed them on some dope profile he created. Now I don't even care what he does.

However, "thesaunderschild" was usually my primary user name on gaming forums.

Well, I initially changed my name because of some Australian guy being an idiot on other sites, on YouTube, and so on. Then he just listed them on some dope profile he created. Now I don't even care what he does.

However, "thesaunderschild" was usually my primary user name on gaming forums.
I remember when you had trouble with them. Glad to hear you figured out that the best way to deal with those types is to just not give a fuck. It starves them when you don't respond to their attacks or take their bating. Good on you!

Also thanks for letting us know your 'real' name, now I'll know you if'n I see you somewhere else.
He actually still finds amusement in spamming gibberish on forums.

In fact, there's a legal advice forum, "Legal Junkies", that has no moderators for some reason. But I notice he constantly replies as a guest in at least three topics on there. Has done so nearly every week since 2022.

I think it was in 2022 that I registered. Cannot remember my password, nor can I reset it. These legal advice forums all seem to be bogus anyway. Expert Law was even worse.

I just noticed he keeps on replying to his own posts. Then he made an account to send me a friend request - with the same avatar that he had on Twitter when I rumbled his identity.

That's really pathetic, though. Doesn't he have a life?