Musk bought Twitter, what hasn't gone wrong?

Musk sues OpenAI for "chasing profits."

OK, he was one of the co-founders and apparently invested millions over the years before going his separate way.

So otherwise, how does he have standing?

Does he still have equity in the company?

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Is there supposed to be a quote in there ?

I find it funny Musk is pretending to be a bastion of free speech
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In news next month:

"Brazil's GDP increases by 10% in month following Twitter ban".

You read it here first.
Bigger issue is that advertisers won't be able to target Brazilian users so it should cause a decline in ad revenues.
I'm not convinced in any way, shape or form that Elon is helping literally ANYONE else except himself. I'm sorry Brazil is having very real and very serious political issues, but I'll need a lot of help being convinced Musk is in any way "helping."
Reading the comments online about this topic I'm surprised at how dumb are those who think that the usa's constitution and first amendment apply to foreign countries too. And look, for a starter, I thought they already were really really dumb.
And talking about dumb, the solution was to blackmail the judge of defamation on a platform that can't be opened from Brazil.
A rich autistic guy owning a site that needs the little people to pay for upgrades, that really should be there by default.

No, thank you! :rolleyes:
It is pretty much the case now that you can swiftly dismiss anything that Musk either overtly supports, or does his "Just askin' questions" routine, is a completely terrible idea or policy.

The guy clearly has some bizarre psychological problems which are rapidly accelerating and, being the wealthiest person in the world, nobody is going to have the power to persuade him to have some treatment. I don't think dosing yourself with ketamine is a great idea, incidentally. He's always going to be able to find a doctor who will prescribe him more of the stuff and he doesn't appear to be somebody with very good self-control these days. Being as rich as Croesus didn't help Michael Jackson, and it seems to me that Musk is heading in that direction.
I could never make out what Michael Jackson was supposed to be singing, to be honest. There was so many other better black singers in the era like Billy Ocean and the guy in Heatwave.

Michael was really good in his Jackson 5 days, the wee lad singing "ABC" and "Ben" about the killer rats movie of the same name, and all the disco stuff he recorded, but his more famous, lauded, post 70's material is hard to make out. Just a lot of mechanical backing music played in a loop with his screeching vocals. Although the noted guitar work on "Beat It" is fine, and his promo videos on MTV were cool.
I could never make out what Michael Jackson was supposed to be singing, to be honest. There was so many other better black singers in the era like Billy Ocean and the guy in Heatwave.

Michael was really good in his Jackson 5 days, the wee lad singing "ABC" and "Ben" about the killer rats movie of the same name, and all the disco stuff he recorded, but his more famous, lauded, post 70's material is hard to make out. Just a lot of mechanical backing music played in a loop with his screeching vocals. Although the noted guitar work on "Beat It" is fine, and his promo videos on MTV were cool.
Post 70's Jackson wasn't only just a musical trailblazer but also applied his artistic ability to create video content like no one else at that time. That is what his popular draw was following the post Jackson Five era and somewhat remains today.

Musk for his part has a much bigger ego largely in part to acquired wealth, social media feedback and self adulation of his medical condition which tends to add more fuel to his self destruct fire.
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I'm not convinced in any way, shape or form that Elon is helping literally ANYONE else except himself. I'm sorry Brazil is having very real and very serious political issues, but I'll need a lot of help being convinced Musk is in any way "helping."
I'm continously puzzled by this kind of mindset going around.

It's perfectly normal to agree on a few points with someone one disagrees with on (most others) others. Or one considers a "bad" person.

What's a strech otoh is to disagree with someone on every single point, every single aspect. That's not natural - it's implausabile, and whoever does that is (deliberately or unconsciously) probably not being genuine.,

No one can reasonably suspect you of being an Elon woshiper if you admit he has one or two qualities.

@Albuquerque sorry i don't mean to adress this at you directly, i know it can look that way. I am just extrapolating based on your post, not questioning your words specifically
Watched this the other week, it does highlight his questionable free speech arguments he always falls back on among other topics.

@Albuquerque sorry i don't mean to adress this at you directly, i know it can look that way. I am just extrapolating based on your post, not questioning your words specifically
No offense taken from me.

There was a time, many many years ago, when much of the "Elon worship" was rooted in some base truth. His goals of a world where affordable EVs could be made for everyone, where commoditizing space travel would result in democratizing information access to the world, these were noble goals. At some point over the past five-ish years he changed; blathering about humans whom he feels don't deserve human rights, purposefully spreading misinformation, spouting shenanigans about how he and his ilk should be in power (based on some really horrible rhetoric), and functionally all of this horribleness is about making himself more rich and more powerful. This little beef with Brazil is yet another example of him spewing disinformation, and then trying to bully an entire country in a feeble attempt to make himself appear more powerful.

There's zero part of his current persona which is redeeming. I would encourage anyone who has something positive to say about Elon's current worldview to enlighten the rest of us...