Restir GI is not what Cyberpunk uses, it just brute forces GI bounces and their talk on doing the Cyberpunk "pathtracing" mentions such specifically.
Are you sure?
“Now, we're introducing Reservoir-based Spatiotemporal Importance Resampling Global Illumination (ReSTIR GI) with the launch of Update 2.1 and the Cyberpunk 2077: Ultimate Edition. ReSTIR GI is an advanced sampling technique for indirect lighting available in the NVIDIA RTXDI SDK, which further improves the quality of fully ray traced lighting in Cyberpunk 2077.”
I don’t know where you guys got the idea that Nvidia only slaps RTX on their proprietary stuff. They’ve been riding any game that’s using DXR and/or DLSS in a way that makes their hardware look good. Far Cry 6 for example would not apply but Watch Dogs Legion does.