Does being messed about by women or people in general, turn you bitter?


I have been single for like forever. I was going about with a teenager 3 years ago before my mother became ill and sadly passed away nearly a year ago. I'm 38 now.

Well, her mum got her to leave me due to me being way older. And I really liked this girl.

Years beforehand, I chased after a woman who basically mucked me about. I hadn't seen her in years. It was a real disaster because she was just out to scam me.

She met up with me again after 7 years, and took the Mickey. Had me paying for goods on credit while she mistreated me, told lies, and acted so-so before being triggered again.

So I have went online and seen escorts sometimes. This is what annoys me, though. You want to get laid, so you feel glad the Internet is there to make searching for an escort relatively easy. You begin to message women who say they do this, that and the third, but it is all make believe. And then your brain feels like it has been in a blender.

There's a particular website for finding local escorts. In my case, those in my city. But a lot of them are shallow and highly ignorant. There is the odd sane lady you can meet, but it's usually a lot of sifting through fake profiles that don't always get quickly removed. Then if you gain a meet, cool. But it seldomly happens.

Many of the genuine users also rarely update their pictures, as I guess they know men may not find their current look attractive. And like I said, many of them have a bad attitude which is already a libido killer from the jump. Or they rush you through a session of very robotic sex, instead of even trying to give a decent hour. You then come away from it wishing you hadn't even bothered seeing them at all. It really amazes me how cold they can be.

Then there's these ones into BDSM, which is not for everybody. You know?

They work in dungeons. I think they are often pretty messed up in the head, going by the things they do. At the very least, they are not very approachable, and enjoy promoting misandry under the guise of it being some kind of fetish.

I went to a sauna once. They get you to shower for obvious reasons. Well, one time I could have sworn a lassie had been nicking money out of my trousers while I was washing up. I knew what I paid at the front desk, then to her. So what a sneak.

So you may turn to dating sites and boy, are they just as awful? Again, dummy accounts run rampant. Data collection parasites want your info to log things about you. And you go to message someone, only to find out upgrading is mandatory to send emails. Oh, but you fork out the fee, to find she's not interested. OK. It happens.


You know? Does anybody else feel like these type of sites are just a waste of time? Unfortunately, some people like me don't have the courage to go to social events, being mildly autistic and not particularly good looking or interesting to talk to. I'm also more of a one-to-one kind of person, who prefers not being in a large group. I cannot stand loud noise or busy places either.

But yeah. I don't like sex workers any more, as so many of them are nasty. In fact, just people in general are snooty today. Technology definitely has a lot to do with it. Instead of bringing people together, it makes men like me feel more lonesome. That can affect one's self-esteem.

But these tarts block you over the least little thing. I also hate it how on OnlyFans, you cannot ask for hook-ups. Their constant spamming for you to keep shelling out for videos and so on is also annoying. I'd rather just subscribe to be able to look at everything, and Bob's your uncle.
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Oh yeah i feel the youngest generations are more lonely then the previous ones. Because, I've been mostly shy and isolated but now when i interact with gen z people many times i feel i have significantly better communication skills

My age is very similar to yours btw, I never had a girflriend ever, until like 2 years ago when things began to fall into place for me. Magically, women started to become interested in me. But it must be because I've also gave up imagining and waiting up on girls that rejected me. I used to do this for many many months, sometimes even years, hoping that the person would change their mind or sth after having rejected me. Ridiculous :)

Another factor is also because for us men earlier on we're not too intresting, nuanced or develped mentally or emotionally. We have a bigger reach now when we age up, this has been my experience. As opposed to previously when one is mostly limited to school or workplace, and yeah pubs or whatever places one hangs out later in the day.

For sex i really can't say much, i guess I'll be building up my experience now with the girl i'm with . I've always been looking first for a deep connection but, i do realise now that this was a romantisation too (or virtue out of necessity) and sex is actually very important for said connection.

Oh and btw @Jack Attack , if you find any time for youtube, I believe you'll benefit greatly if you watch Orion Taraban (PsycHacks) there. It's probably something you've never heard before, on psychology of relationships but also general well being, presented in a very rational & logical manner. Basically examining what's under the hood for peoples' behaviours
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Some of them were asking for a deposit too, then blocking me. While I try to give women the benefit of the doubt, my patience just wore so thin when they were behaving in such a pompous manner. Then they kept gloating on X about themselves, talking about all the high class dinners they had "simps" paying for.

Yeah, I get that "the job" sucks. They'd rather not be doing this, as it's degrading. I get that. But respect works both ways. So I think I'd rather pay £150 for to be treated nicely for the hour, even if it's superficial as all hell.

Speaking of respect, there's a YouTuber called Michael Does Life. I used to be one of his channel mods. I used to enjoy donating through Super Chat for to have a highlighted message, like during the lockdown days. It started to go to his head, though. Like if people weren't pledging enough cash or listening to his repetitive sounding rants on video games, he was referring to his followers as fake fans, and demanding higher payments, and acting rather daft. So I quietly moved on.

Once, he timed me out. And I was like, screw this crap. Even his ex friend Dillon called him out for saying I was a loser. So I was like, sod it. I'll go watch someone else's content for a change.
Dating apps never work for me too. From all the things I tried, what finally works is by keep telling people who asks me when I will marry, to look for potential partner for me.

Then my mom's friend told my mom about a woman, then I met this women, then bam (okay, not that instaneous. Multiple dates). We are married now.
Dont think so it was one of the really big and famous ones
think it was Ashley Madison an online dating service for married people seeking to cheat on their spouses. Its famous tag line says, "Life is short. Have an affair.”
Online Dating related info - Gay dating site GrindR saw a massive surge in logins at the time and location of the Republican convention.
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That would leave one not feeling so gay. 😅

I used to use Flirtbox as well. You had to answer a trillion questions before you could perform a search. This was so it was easier to match up your type, I suppose.

It was clearly made by chavs, for chavs.

One time, back in 2008 I believe, I had to go to a dental hospital, before I was registered with a dental firm. The trainee nurse helped to remove a decayed tooth. She found me on Gumtree the next day, saying "I was the one who said not to eat until the gums healed", and this was on Gumtree. Ironic, huh?

She started taken the piss. I think she was on Bebo at the time. Although if anyone suspects you're a socially inept sort, they like to mock you. It happens online a lot too on crappy gaming forums, or just any forum, really. But I'm not a fan of X or Facebook either, as you just get copied into irrelevant junk posts, or philosophy.


Hi, James. He knows who he is. :)
As someone who has a bad tendency to turn bitter I would recommend against it. I spent a number of years as a hermit back in the 80s before the internet or cell phones and it was a pretty self-destructive period for me.

Try real hard to shake the bitterness or just let it go. I know it's hard to, DAMNED hard to, but it's so much healthier for you and freeing. You can get caught up in the bitterness so much that you miss out on a bunch of happies and possibilities.

Don't let someone fucking with you fuck you up to the point of fucking yourself over. They're not worth it and you shouldn't be down on yourself over there problems or ways they've used/manipulated you. Let it go and move on, it's a much better/easier way once you get used to it.

It's ok to like yourself even if you feel your unlikable, it's how you start. At least it's how I did.
Wow. You must be in your 60s by now. I was born in 1986.

If I find I'm absolutely choking on a shag, I'll just go to my nearest sauna. I don't feel like is up to much, and I'd just be in for getting my head done in if I gave in and rejoined it. Sites like that are gonna make guys become anti-female, which defeats the purpose of seeking out intimacy. But at the end of the day, it is a lot of cash to lose on some pretentious, arrogant whore.

I have had to cut back on buying Blu-rays. I really enjoy watching horror films, but some are only good to watch once. So I am better just sticking to buying ones that ranked in the top ten, as I have most of them already. If I started buying other movies, I would run out of space.

To be honest, I overspend just due to the sheer boredom. But I do think being stuck in a rut is why I feel frustrated.

After I lost my mum a year ago from CKD, I lost interest in a lot of things. I've asked social services for to gain support. They just said I'm on a waiting list, which I suspect is a proper fob off. They said the same thing years ago.
I like digi's ending remark. Indeed most others won't love or even respect (the proverbial) "you", if you don't respect yourself. Let alone want to be arround you.
Other people notice us when we "don't buy" ourselves, and they won't buy us either (mostly) sub-conscionsly

I think especially at this age, God nows how frustrating it was for me to accept it, the way to attract women (and friends too i think by extension) is indirectly. Not chasing anyone anymore, just being slightly available & engaging people with minor but consistent social interactions . While your life remains the focus; wherever you are, improvements are always possible. If one is in a low point, improvements are already very likely :)
As bad as it sounds (less control about who to be with), you get to improve your own life and others will begin to come for free, as they begin to see this rebuilt life