There is a new PT mod for Cyberpunk 2077 with ReGIR. This one is technically even more advanced than ReSTIR of PT 2.1.
What is PTNext?

If you have more GPU power, I would absolutely use PTNext, which is ReGIRDI + ReGIRGI. Note, there is no RTXDI here at all any more — PTNext still uses ReSTIR and ReLAX, but adds ReGIR. PTNext is the next generation of PT21.

How is ReGIR different from PT21?

If you'll remember, PT21 is ReSTIRGI + RTXDI... ReSTIR samples a few path traced pixels on the screen to see what's important (importance sampling, or IS), and then does this again (resampled importance sampling, or RIS), then sends more rays there.

You could liken this to "screenspace" path tracing — in that the smaller something is on screen, the less path tracing will be applied to it, because it's considered less important. Objects in the distance – especially faces, foliage, shadows, etc. – can end up with not much detail. RTXDI is similar, it tries to work out which shadows and lights are important and only focuses on those.

ReGIR is different: It divides the world space into a 3D grid. It then sends some rays to each grid sector to determine what's important in each 3D sector. It then sends more rays to those sectors. It is still doing IS and RIS — only in 3D. In this way it's an advancement of ReSTIR.

The major advantage here is it's more detailed and accurate, especially with objects farther away from the camera, but it's also a performance improvement, so has similar performance to PT21, possibly even better.

More info about the different PT modes can be found here:
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The mod is good. You can switch between the different PT versions and adjust the quality in an overlay which can be opened with one button (see screenshot in spoiler).

You should change the PT mode if you go to the game world menu beforehand. That way it crashes less.

In any case PT21 has a much shorter delay when the light color is changing in this scene than PT20. PT21 also has less ghosting than PT20. The author always praises PT20 and doesn't like PT21 so much but at the moment I prefer PT21 over PT20. I have to check PTNext as well.

EDIT: Based on my initial tests the PT is something bugged when switching between different PT modes and resolutions. Sometimes the lamps light up the surroundings too weakly. Then you have to reload a save to fixethat problem.


You can switch fastly between PT20 and PT21 but when switching to PTNext or from PTNext to 20 or 21 you have to reload a save.
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I have now tested a little (2 hours).

At first I compared the differences in quality settings between PT20 on Vanilla, min and max settings.
Max runs about as fast as Vanilla but looks a bit better. Min runs over 40 % faster than Vinilla. For example, on an RTX 3080 you get 45 fps in UHD DLSS performance at min compared to 31 fps as in Vanilla or max. This option makes pathtracing playable on many more graphics cards. If you turn up the quality setting the PT area light shadows become finer and the GI effect becomes slightly stronger but between medium and high it is hardly noticeable. I didn't see any difference in many scenes. Medium also runs much faster than high. On min settings some surfaces were visibly darker due weaker bounce light. This comparison only relates to PT20.

Within PT21 the quality differences between the settings are almost imperceptible and you gain about 10 % fps between high and low. PT21 can only be a little bit faster than PT20 Vanilla and therefore it is not as accessible for user with slower graphics cards.

In PTNext only the vanilla setting seems to work properly. The other quality settings are missing some lights and the resulting shadows.

It's exciting when you suddenly have so many PT options instead of PT on and off.

From my point of view this would be an intersting topic for DigitalFoundry @Dictator. Compared to most other current games and topics this pushes the technical limits of what is possible. Also PT20 min makes this game playable on many more graphics cards and even AMD ones.
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