I see you like sophistics over facts.
Here are a few facts - sharpenning doesn't add any texture or geometry details, another fact is that FSR oversharpens image to a point where it appears sharper than Native and that's not necessary developers intended. Why would developers intend to piss off all those people playing in native resolutions by not adding tons of sharpening in native if it was all good?
Oversharpenning is not a good thing - it adds ringing, posterization, amplifies any moire, shimmering and all kinds of aliasing in motion, breaks down gradients of anti-aliasing and introduces other artifacts, the funny part is that spatial upscaling exaggerates any kinds of temporal artifacts as well, so while it can look good on your static screenshots, it can as well be totally broken during gameplay.
I would not like developers to select the sharpness level for me because there is no way to tune the sharpness down once it's added without degrading image quality even further. Even if they don't add sharpening control knobs, I have my own means to tune up the level of sharpness to whatever level I would consider appropriate via the sweetfx, reshade, freestyle, etc.