Image Quality and Framebuffer Speculations for WIP/alpha/beta/E3 games *Read the first post*

I downloaded Xbox version last night if anybody wants to count it an tell me how to get screens from Xbox to net.

It was previously 900P right?
Shadows are oflline in distance?

Yeah it looks like animals don't have shadows in that shot, very weird looking too (although pretty normal by game standards), or maybe it's a bug in their lod, shadow lod looks fine (actually they look great for a console game) from a similar position here

Notice how the foliage and even the weapon case has shadows, very nice :)
It's most likely that the goats are not high priority and as such their shadow gets LOD'ed out of existence at distance, compared to something more noticeable like a tree.
Naughty Dog is actually known for using a lot of baked lighting, and that extends to distance shadows, since that prevents distance shadows from simply disappearing like you see in so many games.