If so, that's useless time, Disappointing. Playstation doesn't need a negative campaign, they are starting to look bad themselves with their decisions as of late.
The others I don't care, but Alex is one of my videogames' heroes criticizing stuttering in games and because of his knowledge.
The others I don't care, but Alex is one of my videogames' heroes criticizing stuttering in games and because of his knowledge.

Leaked Discord Exposes Anti PS5 Campaign: Klobrille, XboxEra, and Digital Foundry’s Alex Battaglia Among Members
Back in 2020, before the PS5 even launched, Colbert from NeoGAF set up a Discord server to spread FUD about the Console. The server included some well known members, like Alex Battaglia from Digital Foundry, Klobrille, doncabesa (XboxEra founder), and oggmeiler, who was openly racist toward...

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