Are you planning to use an LG OLED TV as a monitor? Sitting at normal monitor distance? LG C1 still uses the same panel as CX, but G1 uses a different panel. So I don't know this is also relevant for G1 or not.
The bad
chromatic aberration or color bleed

This is what has been bugging me the most. LG OLED technology has issues with showing yellow or bright green.
For office work, it's a non-issue, as it only made some icon on MS word looks weird. For design work, it's quite annoying. For example, I'm designing a fabulous yellow box. BAM! On its left side, it will bleed red, and on its right side, it bleeds green. For gaming, it only became an issue in games with solid colors like Hyper Light Drifter and Fez. Or on UX elements in Destiny 2 and Cyberpunk 2077. by the way, for web browsing, chromium-based web browsers like Chrome and Edge have more severe color bleed on text than Firefox.
color shift

This is practically invisible while gaming and writing on ms word. But when you are doing design work, it's a wee bit annoying. Straight in front of you, LG OLED will have proper color for around 10-inch size. But wider than that, the color became cooler. You need to shift your head laterally to the left or right to see them in the correct color.
color banding

For some unknown reason, for years, LG OLED got issues with color banding when used with a PC. Googling around I found these:

How to fix it? Simply use limited range at 8 bit instead of full at 8 bit or 12 bit.
brightness change
Non-issue for gaming and writing on ms word. A wee bit of an issue when doing design work as your eyes will take a few seconds to get accustomed to the new brightness to correctly perceive the colors you've painstakingly designed.
screen shift
I don't think this is an issue, as no one really cares that one of the edges is chopped off a few millimeters. It just looks weird seeing your speaker icon got chopped off a bit. Or windows' running app marker suddenly became very thin or even completely gone.
The good!
It's an awesome screen. I'll share my story with data from rtings for this
Playing Cyberpunk 2077 with HDR enabled in a completely dark room is simply marvelous. When I'm driving under a building shadow, then into the sunshine. Or when I'm walking from one stall to another in the night. It not only looks amazing but also felt amazing. It really emulates the real sensation of walking in a real-life stall in the night, from one blinding neon to another.
Low Audio and Video latency
basically, this means that moving the mouse cursor felt instantaneous, and playing games not only feels good but also sounds good. So you will hear a gunshot right when you pressed the fire button and see the gun firing.
This is also good for those that do audio design, I suppose.
Real black
Even boring stuff like the dark theme on Windows 10, and dark websites (i use dark reader extension), felt easier to my eyes. SDR games also look amazing, especially games with high contrasting colors like tons of indie games and any games where you fly a spaceship in space.