Game development presentations - a useful reference

Dat volumetric lighting

• Performance breakdown on Radeon 7870 for 1080p (actual PS4 cost was 3.7ms) – 3.44ms DistanceFieldLighting – 0.03ms ObjectFrustumCulling – 0.23ms ComputeNormal – 0.29ms BuildTileList – 1.68ms ConeTraceObjects – 0.29ms ConeTraceGlobal – 0.14ms CombineCones – 0.17ms GeometryAwareUpsample – 0.31ms UpdateHistory – 0.31ms UpsampleAO

A little surprising, I was thinking PS4 would be more than 4 ms...
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Do any of the clouds cast shadows?

Slide #83
In our approach, we sample 6 times in a cone toward the sun. This smooth's the banding we would normally get with 6 simples and weights our lighting function with neighboring density values, which creates a nice ambient effect. The last sample is placed far away from the rest in order to capture shadows cast by distant clouds.
Aren't they talking about distant clouds casting shadows on other nearby clouds and not on the terrain itself?

I think so, yeah. Clouds cast shadows on other clouds but not on terrain. Maybe they'll have something similar to how Assassin's Creed games handle cloud shadows on terrain at release. They pretty much said this is still WIP at the last few slides.
I think so, yeah. Clouds cast shadows on other clouds but not on terrain. Maybe they'll have something similar to how Assassin's Creed games handle cloud shadows on terrain at release. They pretty much said this is still WIP at the last few slides.
They can also fake it with relatively good results (Forza Horizon 2 did it with its 2D skydome but it didn't always work if you paid close attention)
This is the best realtime cloud implementation I've seen.

Oh, temporal reprojection to the rescue again, the devs are really making good use of it like I said somewhere here..
will somebody sue them because the game doesn't render every cloud pixel every frame?