You always want 10% cooldown on both handbows, its mandatory. Weps can roll 10% CD all other slots 8%. Since ROV damage is calculated with only your main hand, your off hand is just a stat stick. So you could roll off the damage roll to something useful.
Say you find a handbow with these stats
740 - 1151 cold damage (almost max rolls for non ancient)
10% dmg
700 dex
8% elite damage
Instead of rolling elite damage to cooldown you can reroll the damage roll to cooldown with minimal DPS loss. However, if you found a hand bow with these rolls:
740 - 1151 cold damage
700 dex
650 vitality
20% area damage
I'd roll the area damage to cooldown. The best offhand would be balefire caster (20% fire damage) or calamity (marked for death) for groups.
PTR is out... we will probably get 2.3 in a month. Blizz has done an excellent job of putting out free content that keeps the game feeling fresh. I honestly wouldnt have minded paying $5 for each of these updates.
This is totally crazy. I found a pair of decent Natalya's gloves from Kadala and... decided to give some use to the Natalya's helm I had. I was about to give the helm away, silly me, but I didn't want to at the last minute. A great decision, indeed.
My DH wore the gloves, I added the helm and it had a socket -the stats aren't impressive, but the socket..., how could I miss it?-. That socket allowed me to reduce the cooldown an extra 12,5% using a flawless royal diamond. The RoRG did the rest --I am only missing the ring of Natalya's set, although some pieces can be improved too.
Thing is, I was all about Elemental Arrow and didn't use Strafe. But after seeing the bonuses I said, why not? My DH made up to 250,000.000 damage at level 235 Paragon using Rain of Vengeance.

Also it was cool to see how for about 5 seconds, Elemental Arrow -which I used before finally switching to Strafe (with the cold damage rune Icy Trail because I have Cool the Weak and plus my Rain of Vengeance chills enemies and they don't attack while it is active)- did 60,000.000 damage. Natalya's Set is amazing.
In fact I can now clear alone Greater Rift Trials waves of enemies that give me a level 28 stone to play a Greater Rift. Problem is that it is counter productive for my DH, becasue in the actual level 28 Greater Rift, it's a one hit kill for me, and I can't complete it. So when I reach certain wave of enemies in the trials, I give up.
I managed to complete a level 27 Greater Rift with 5 minutes to go though, just because I switched my skills to more defensive ones --I miss Ambush now.
My 4 passive skills are: Cull the Weak, Awareness, Archery, Perfectionist.
@BadTB25 played a couple of Diablo 3 runs with me tonight, and he told me that my DH is pretty powerful.

Actually, it was powerful then, but this was before I equipped 5 pieces of Natalya's set and did all those changes.
As of currently, more than powerful, my DH is very difficult to stop.

Offensively wise there is no problem so I get high level trials riftstones. Defensively though it's an entirely different matter. High level Greater Rifts, from 28 up, are a one hit kill fest for me,

I can't complete them for the live of me.
Level 27 Greater Rifts are doable, if I play defensively, but I miss some skills..