Diablo 2 was a much better game than this console version of Diablo 3. I'm at the point where I can get through a regular rift on Torment 6 very easily, but my damage is a bit low so I can't quite speed through it. I can do a 28 greater rift solo. Right now, the only way to advance is to get ancient drops to swap out my set. Most nights, I get nothing of value. I'll have to make an alt, grind that character and hopefully get drops for my main.
The first campaign playthrough was average to poor, because of the locked difficulty. Adventure mode offered a brief window of challenge and fun as I ramped up to torment 6. Overall, the design of the game is a failure. I got my money's worth, but compared to how much fun I had playing Diablo 2, at the time, Diablo 3 is a relatively weak experience.
I wrote several Diablo 2 guides back in the day, one about the Overlord build, the necromancer, a Magic Find guide etc etc.
I miss the personality and uniqueness of Diablo 2 monsters, like Pindleskin, or Frozenstein (translated Heladostein into my language, which is like saying Icecreamstein),

my favourite monster name of the game, along with Rakanishu. Then the Countess, Mephisto runs, etc etc.
Even so, I like both games equally. In Diablo 2 I spent as much time playing than writing, and in Diablo 3 I am having lots of fun. Since you are at a respectable level, haven't you considered trying a new build that can bring the excitement back? Maybe the Crusader is a bit defensive for your playstylel Say a Wizard, Demon Hunter, Barbarian, Witch Doctor, Monk...
Diablo 3 has its fascinating features, perhaps you will end up disliking it more or it will grow in you. Anyways, just try to have fun.
There was another update recently. Any major change ? or addition of gear? I plan on giving it a few rounds in between The Witcher again.
I haven't heard of it til reading your post. Is this the patch you are talking about?
The Witcher 3 has me absorbed as well, but a few runs here and there in Diablo 3 wouldn't hurt.