Gears of War 2

Just completed it on harcore. Good game and I'll do it again with a friend on insane. I didn't really like the onrail parts, the timing was too harsh on those and it felt like I was playing Dragon's Lair... Those were the most difficult parts of the game and impossible to go through them without dying multiple times, that sucks imo. Also it was weird to witness Dom going from a one man army to a complete retard/coward, I wished I could have benched him and get Cole to back me up :).

All in all it was a great game though, I think that apart from those onrail missions it was easier than the first Gears. The normal Locust didn't really charge at all in this game and in general you didn't have to worry about a thing when in cover. 9.2/10

My Xbox has been on fire lately, in less than two weeks I put 24h to Far Cry 2, about 20h to Dead Space, 40h to Fall out 3 and Gears took about 12h, in addition I have put about 20h to Fifa 09... Next up Fable 2.
Just completed it on harcore. Good game and I'll do it again with a friend on insane. I didn't really like the onrail parts, the timing was too harsh on those and it felt like I was playing Dragon's Lair... Those were the most difficult parts of the game and impossible to go through them without dying multiple times, that sucks imo. Also it was weird to witness Dom going from a one man army to a complete retard/coward, I wished I could have benched him and get Cole to back me up :).

All in all it was a great game though, I think that apart from those onrail missions it was easier than the first Gears. The normal Locust didn't really charge at all in this game and in general you didn't have to worry about a thing when in cover. 9.2/10

My Xbox has been on fire lately, in less than two weeks I put 24h to Far Cry 2, about 20h to Dead Space, 40h to Fall out 3 and Gears took about 12h, in addition I have put about 20h to Fifa 09... Next up Fable 2.

video games: 1 social life: 0

ha ha ha, I'm pretty much in the same boat.
It's just madness at the moment, GOW2 and Fable 2 on Xbox. Little Big Planet and Motor Storm on PS3. And Fallout 3, Dead Space, and more on the Horizon (Resistance, Mirrors edge etc)... Game Overload!
Horde on hardcore is no joke :( even with 5 people. Wave 37......

holy crap... I am really good at FPS games but didn't didn't stick with the 3rd per Gears 1 for too long because I could not master the controls. I can't even imagine what HC horde wave 37 would be like. :cool:

Although I am slowly getting the hang of the weapons and control and getting better. This game is amazing.
What's really hard is doing a public horde match. When everyone dies, the whole thing ends and you have to start back at 1 with a new group.

Yeah Horde in pub sucks. Mainly because people drop out and you're left starting back up with wave 1. We had a full house last night and beat all 50waves on Hardcore. It was nuts. We were stuck at Wave 20 for a LONG time and then went from map to map trying to figure out which ones works best for us. Turns out, Security is the best map by far. Atleast on hardcore, with our hide and pray tactic.
Yeah Horde in pub sucks. Mainly because people drop out and you're left starting back up with wave 1. We had a full house last night and beat all 50waves on Hardcore. It was nuts. We were stuck at Wave 20 for a LONG time and then went from map to map trying to figure out which ones works best for us. Turns out, Security is the best map by far. Atleast on hardcore, with our hide and pray tactic.

Yeah, I was talking with a guy at work yesterday and he said security was best. I haven't tried it yet.
then went from map to map trying to figure out which ones works best for us. Turns out, Security is the best map by far. Atleast on hardcore, with our hide and pray tactic.

yea, I have noticed each map offers a different challenge. some are much easier to work together on
yea, I have noticed each map offers a different challenge. some are much easier to work together on

Some maps are just bait. Jacinto looks to be ideal with the area by the heli pad but it turns out to be a massacre instead :( Blood Drive and Day one are pretty good on the easier difficulties.
I just finished the 3rd Act. Liking the game much so far but haven't seen enough of the 'variety' yet ahead. Graphics look great, save for level 1, esp the first underground cave. Looks like Gears 1+. Dialogue is cheesy as ever which I found myself laughing out loud a few times esp Cole.

So far I'd give it a solid 8.5. Greatly looking forward to the rest, had to pull myself away because I was getting a headache hehe.
Finally beat it on Insane and got the co-op achievements also. Insane really is a step up from hardcore. It's not cheap by any means either. All your deaths are due to poor planning and execution. Yes, you'll take more damage and take less but the difference I noticed is that the AI is much more aggressive in keeping your pinned down while others advance on you and bust you up in close quarter combat. If you plan to do Insane, make sure you're willing to think out battles before getting into them. Being "pro" won't get it done.

A random guy and I were doing Acts 4 and 5 with both of us on insane. The level of concentration and communication we had going was more than doing a 5 person Horde on hardcore.

If you want to cheat a bit, have one person on casual and the other on insane. Have the person on casual tank the bullets and do most of the damage while you stay back and focus on staying alive. It won't be any fun but I guess you can say you beat it on Insane?
Finished last night. It is a good follow up to the original but nothing special. I preferred the first one myself. Mainly because it was a new story. Over all in terms of visuals and game play I didn't see or feel much difference, brighter colours (and more of them) but it still felt like Marcus had glue on his feet.

Lots of fun but out gunned by some shooters out there and outclassed by some of the story driven games that have been released since GOW1.
I finished my SP as well. Now I got nothing left to do with this game, online sucks all time because I get too much panic when I get beaten.

Going to try out doing 50 wave Horde on my own - Apparently you can hide behind AC in corridor in Day One map.
I was rocking through having a good time all without much difficulty on hardcore. Then I hit the first(last?) vehicle segment. Decided to take a break and come back to it later because I can see myself getting very frustrated.
I'm still at the beginning of the game. Is it like cutscene, a bit of gameplay, cutscene, rince and repeat or it gets more about gameplay later on? 'Cause the only game I like that does that is is MGS. GoW cutscenes are too cheesy for me. They lack the intentional self ridicule of MGS :smile: