I think that's Darth Maul, not mole, though it could be 
So this is what this franchise has been reduced to. Fan service. Well I don't mind, but I am curious how in the world did they managed to secure this license from Lucas. I thought Lucas is pretty strict with their properties especially SW.
Anyway I wouldn't mind if Namco made an SC base Jedi Vs Sith fighting game or something like that.
Screw weapons its all about force choke.
So this is what this franchise has been reduced to. Fan service. Well I don't mind, but I am curious how in the world did they managed to secure this license from Lucas. I thought Lucas is pretty strict with their properties especially SW.
Anyway I wouldn't mind if Namco made an SC base Jedi Vs Sith fighting game or something like that.
Screw weapons its all about force choke.