ZOE2 question (Snow, swarm & particle effects)

More of the same, LogisticX? Doesn't bother me, as I never played the first one!

I'm going to get this game. Simple as that. :)

Impressive video indeed.
Konami has shown IMO a very consistent performance of putting out high quality games on PS2 (and I love their art/style).
Z.O.E may become another Konami hit-series.

Johnny Awesome,

That's a good list of games and justifies IMO a purchase even at the current price.
You have a point, but I just can't bring myself to spend the money on a system with poor image quality and very little 5.1 and progressive scan support. It just seems like going backwards to me. It's just my personal opinion and pet peeve, since I still think the PS2 has a lot of games that are good.
As long as you use a good interlaced scan TV, you should have no problems with the image quality in any of those games you mentioned. Line doubling doesn't look nearly as good with interlaced input.
Hi Johnny,

As I live in Europe I have to bear with interlaced output on every console (except DC VGA-Box).
IMO PS2 interlaced output quality, is not necessarily worse than XBOX/GC interlaced output, but depends heavily on the developer which led to the big delta in output quality that is currently witnessed on PS2.

The only games from your list I've not played are Mark of Kri and Shinobi (and of course the unreleased titles). The output of the other titles is not bad at all, and certainly bareable.

I know how you feel regarding sound as I'm myself a bit picky in this area, as should anybody with a decent home cinema. :)
Well soundwise it is a downgrade from XBOX, but as IMO only few games do the XBOX justice in the sound department, the loss of 5.1 is bareable too. That's not an excuse, I much prefer proper digital 5.1 ingame sound over analog DolbySurround or 4 channel dts, but the games have to put the audio hardware to good use. In that respect Halo is still some sort of a (lonely) benchmark to me.

All in all just enjoy the good games you are getting with, they are certainly worth it.

(Do you have any buying suggestions for an XBOX title with great DD sound?)
Panzer Dragoon Orta has great 5.1 sound. Any racing game. Hunter: The Reckoning (which should be cheap right now).

I've seen the PS2 through my interlaced S-Video and it just doesn't look good compared to my Xbox through component cables on my progressive scan ports. I can wait a little while longer.

Like I said, if I get caught up (still 6 games to finish) and there's a lull in games for GCN/Xbox (which isn't too likely at this point), then I'll pick up a PS2 right away. Something tells me that there aren't going to be any more lulls on Xbox, with KOTOR, Brute Force, Phantasy Star Online, Crimson Skies, Kung Fu Chaos, Apex Racing, Rayman 3, and Return to Castle Wolfenstein all coming in the next three months. Also, Zelda for Cube...
I've seen the PS2 through my interlaced S-Video and it just doesn't look good compared to my Xbox through component cables on my progressive scan ports.

Of course! :D

BTW, do you actually play games as well as look at them? ;)
Yeah, people going on like this makes you think how anyone could ever have put a single quarter into Pong... ;)

Seriously though, could we like, not have this discussion again? I mean, we've already had a thread with umpteen bazillion pages where the percieved IQ of the PS2 was "deeply" discussed (mainly XBots repeating progressive scan was essential for good gameplay blah blah whatever, or something). This is a thread about *PS2* game ZoE 2.

Let's stick to the topic alright?

I asked this b4, but does anyone have a clue when this game is supposed to be released in Europe? Is it even out in Japan yet?

Johnny Awesome said:
Panzer Dragoon Orta has great 5.1 sound. Any racing game. Hunter: The Reckoning (which should be cheap right now).
I will get Panzer ASAP when it's released in Europe. I have to try Hunter.
As for racing games, Rallisport has great sound, PGR is good and Colin3 I mostly play on PS2 (are there any good FF wheels for XBOX?). Are there anymore good racing games?
Apex could be an interesting title, the graphics are impressive for sure.

I see your point Johnny. I dare to compare your situation with mine regarding movies. Over the last 15 years I collected tons of VHS movies, but after the arrival of DVD I have to force myself to watch them.
There's only one reason for me to still have VHS around. The movies.
Many of my favourite movies are (yet) not available on DVD. If I want to watch them, I have to bare with VHS.
(now I'm actually thinking if I would pick up a VHS right now? There goes my argument :) )
Sorry everybody for being OT. I will stop this discussion right now.

As for Z.O.E 2.
A european release date would be great. I guess 2-4 months after the US release would be a reasonable amount of time if their past titles are anything to go by.

I just checked German Gamepro magazine and they state Q1 2003 as release date.
Thanks, Mr! I can live with waiting until march for this game, heheh! DMC2 is also something I anticipate with great delight I have to say, but this shooter... There's just one word that fits it properly: YUM!

I'm just thinking though, in the old-school days you picked up new weapons and powerups as you advanced through the game (R-Type and sequels comes to mind, but also Forgotten Worlds, Slap Fight, Raiden etc etc). Here it seems the player has access to a great arsenal already from the start of the game. The "Panzer Dragoon"-style homing spread of shots, a small gun, a bigger gun and a really huge freaking energy blast are all available on the very first level it seems!

Won't it get boring, or will there be even more weapons later in the game? How did the first ZoE game work in this regard?

In ZoE2 you actually collect new weapons and enhance the old ones during the game. I was just thinking that in that sense it preserves that old school shooter concept.
Marco, that's LOVELY to hear! COOOL! I love them old-school shooters.

The one thing that worries me about ZoE though is the camera. It seems a bit crap from the video...

There's one instance where those translucent squares guides the player ahead and the camera's facing the opposite direction and the player flies straight into a mountainside! Either the camera should be smarter, or the translucent guide-thingy should indicate to the player to fly around the mountains. Or maybe the camera simply was badly handled by the player playing the game?

Is there some site with a good, solid preview of this game I can read and drool over? :) No, not IGN please, it has to be a FREE site, LOL.

Don't worry about the camera too much. ZoE1 had some of the best camera and control scheme I've ever seen. The moment in the video you mentioned probably happened because there was nothing on the screen so the camera was more static. If you don't trust me, just try playing ZoE1 and see for yourself.

Gamespot has the preview, and it should be free. IGN has hands on preview which is unlocked and you can read it for free (I just checked)

Anubis: Zone of the Enders (PS2, Konami): 9 / 10 / 10 / 10 - Total 9.75



Looks like a winner. :D

Can't wait to play the game.

marconelly! said:
Mc FLy, where did you found that score? Do you have some kind of link? :oops:

Found it at Gaming Age forums. (They already anwsered your question there in your thread) ... and I saw it posted on a German news site, too.


sounds good. It will be a good mech game if kojima gets the gameplay variety and enemy AI right. Doing the same thin again and again will get boring no matter how cool the game looks.

The worst thing can happen if kojima confines you to arena sized like battles and not a free flowing mech game. You know, like arena A -> cutscene -> arena B -> cutscenes.....(no backtracking or freedom to anywhere you want)

I want to fly around in the cool mech named Jehuty!
NOT fight in arena battles and watch endless B grade cutscenes, that i can leave for DOA3 or Deathrow!

Can kojima bring back the glory days of MGS1? I hope so, konami has not produced high quality interactive games lately. :oops: