You have to remember I have 2 360s and a PS3, so some of the games my son will want to play on his setup.
As far as cost, I don't spend money on computers anymore, I drive an Escape hybrid so gas isnt killing the pocketbook, not to mention I live a mere one mile from work as does my wife, I have slowed my HD movie purchases considerably. The TV shows we watch from the 360 have ended their seasons so no money being spent there. My household income is enough to cover our *bills+ an extra $500 to pay off bills faster, save $650/month, and still be in the black by about $1000. I don't consider myself rich, but I certainly consider us "well-off" enough.
*On my spreadsheet I account for just about everything as a "bill", e.g. eating out per month $400, groceries $600, laundry $80, etc...
For time, well, I have been known to give a gift or two to the less fortunate on the board, which reminds me that I was supposed to have sent a package of games to someone awhile ago...woops.