Oh lovely! Very, very awesome.
Are you planning to have an online setup for custom tracks? As in, you can download other people's track and rate them? It'd be cool to check out custom tracks, rate them and have an online community for it with diff sections such as "most played, top rated, newest tracks."
1200 sounds too hefty to me, unless game has good replayability.
Limiting to Friend's shifts moderation to the users, which is smart, but then limits the scope of tracks to what your friends create. Is it possible to add a system of 'pass-it-on' where a track can be shared among friends between different lists, so the same great track could find it's way to zillions of players? That is, Aligie has two friends only on his friends list, Ben and Callum. His track is played by both. Ben forwards the track to Dave and Egon on his list, while Callum forwards it to Frank and George on his friends list. They do likewise with other friends, and Algie's track gets played by 300,000 different players.In Trials HD you can share your tracks with your friends. Players can upload tracks, download tracks and browse tracks made by their friends. We have also local high scores and replays stored for all user created level top scores.
'Splosion Man has come out of nowhere, with little to no hype surrounding its release, but it easily ranks as one of the best XBLA games we've played. It's a remarkably simple idea that's been turned into a truly devilish platform puzzler, and it's full of charm and humour without coming across as cheesy. At only 800 Microsoft Points 'Splosion Man comes highly recommended.
Ugh, please don't spoiler tag review scores, that's so stupid.
9.0 Presentation
Everything from menus to idle animation has been given some TLC. 'Splosion Man is bursting with humor and personality.
8.0 Graphics
The occasional background or loading screen looks a little suspect, but most of the game (especially the 'splosions) looks very nice.
8.5 Sound
The soundtrack is full of rousing sci-fi and spy music, and 'Splosion Man's manic babbling is a delight.
9.0 Gameplay
Devilishly challenging platforming that will test your reflexes and brain power. Oh, and bad guys explode into deli meat.
9.0 Lasting Appeal
A lengthy single-player game, plus local and online four-player co-op.
Outstanding OVERALL
Whoa, sounds awesome...
Damn, I think I may have to get some MS points sooner than I was planning. Where's a good place to get them? This would mark the first game I've purchased on X360 (was going to wait for Shadow Complex).