Xbox 360 Selected as the Primary Development Platform for Next-Gen Wolfenstein

Griffith said:
in 2007 pc will have quad-core cpu and unified shaders gpu, so I think a port from 360 to PC will fit very well
.......buh, ah forget it. The guy above me answered it perfectly. Nobody is going to have a quad-core cpu.

Well, look at Call of Duty 2 on XBOX360 and how that has a locked 60 fps framerate, how many current PC's can do that? You also have to consider just how little time was spent optimizing the game for the system. I'm thinking the PC version is going to be missing something, and not just chunky gibs or whatever.
Guden Oden said:
Carmack's done nothing but bitching and moaning over the new gen of consoles because they're multi-core and not designed with the same philosophy of ye bog-standard monolithic PC. Now id's switching to the very platform he previously bemoaned, I think that speaks clearly they're figuring their games aren't selling very well on the PC.

In the interview I saw he stated this is the first time that a console actually has a BETTER design environment than PC, could be why he is switching base development platforms.

btw wasn't this announced at X05??
Guden Oden said:
With the exception of some shader code, Carmack has hardly coded anything down to the metal since Doom for the Atari Jaguar and that was over a decade ago. Certainly nothing in any of the games id has released since then. He's a PC dev, with what I believe, the totally wrong mindset for consoles.

Quake1's software renderer was heavily optimized in assembly, and still remains to be a very fine piece of technology. But coding to the metal is irrelevant IMHO. And Carmack is certainly capable of introducing new rendering technologies to games - his goal of unique textures for everything sounds quite ambitious, for a start.

Anyway, I'm getting a bit sick of all the Carmack bashing that's started again...
Guden Oden said:
He is lazy and wants things to be easy for himself, which is why he made 360 the main focus rather than the most assuredly more successful PS3.

Lazy based on what exactly? In another post you said carmack was in it for the money, yet he develops for the most assuredly less successful platform? So hes on consoles now for the money, but not so much money that he would develop for the PS3 because its harder? Why is a superior development environment and a closed box system as reasons so difficult to believe? We've read a lot of developer interviews on this forum that have said the same thing and those are accepted without a second guess.

I'm just really surprised how much crap Carmack gets on this board.
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I think he's developing primarily for the 360 because it will sell better then a PC version and it will be the easiest to port to PCs while retaining advanced features like support for multiple CPUs. If the PS3 is as powerful as is claimed, a port from the 360 should be cheaper then the other way around.
robofunk said:
I think he's developing primarily for the 360 because it will sell better then a PC version and it will be the easiest to port to PCs while retaining advanced features like support for multiple CPUs. If the PS3 is as powerful as is claimed, a port from the 360 should be cheaper then the other way around.

I think history suggests that anything jumping from x86 to ppc or vice versa can hardly be described as easy. Additionally, adapting something that runs to the hilt on a tri-core X360 CPU is certainly not going to map well in a port to PC land where the lowest common denominator will still be a single processor fed by a relatively pokey system bus.

It would actually more plausible to expect the development in X360 environment as a gateway to PS3 environment where the ppc kinship, multiple CPU core, fast/wide bus topology will map across fairly well.
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No doubt I don't think that Cramack in this day and age is really as "unique" as he once was, time has cought up with him and passed him. Still, I would really like to see him take advantage of the xbox360 architecture and make an engine that will for sure give UE3 a run for its money. As far as I know UE3 still does not have predicated tilling, which I do not understand, wouldn't that be very advantageous down the line for their next xbox360 project, not to mention that they might get even more to licence thier engine for their xbox360 games?...
Platon said:
No doubt I don't think that Cramack in this day and age is really as "unique" as he once was, time has cought up with him and passed him. Still, I would really like to see him take advantage of the xbox360 architecture and make an engine that will for sure give UE3 a run for its money. As far as I know UE3 still does not have predicated tilling, which I do not understand, wouldn't that be very advantageous down the line for their next xbox360 project, not to mention that they might get even more to licence thier engine for their xbox360 games?...
1. Didn't it take Epic years of R&D to make a multicore processor? What makes you think Carmack can do this himself. It took what, three years for Doom 3 to come out?

2. For us younguns, could you describe how Carmack was unique a decade ago.
I guess mainy it was his ability to make and market a fps engine for PC's that was a good enough base for most PC fps games of last decade.
Has there been more thechnically advanced engines, most likely.
Has there been as succesful engines, not many (Unreal is one strong competitor... others?)

Please, however, do not take my words for truth as I'm not that dedicated PC scene follower. That was just a guess.
rabidrabbit said:
Has there been as succesful engines, not many (Unreal is one strong competitor... others?) the hell do I not know of any engine that is more popular than the Unreal engines?
As I said, I'm not that avid follower of the PC scene, you can't expect me to know if Unreal engine is more popular than the Doom/Quake whatever engine.
So, the how the hell do I know how the hell do you not know?
But I thionk the Quake engine was there first anyway, that's why it has managed to accumulate more publicity, or am I wrong on this too?
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rabidrabbit said:
As I said, I'm not that avid follower of the PC scene, you can't expect me to know if Unreal engine is more popular than the Doom/Quake whatever engine.
So, the how the hell do I know how the hell do you not know?
But I thionk the Quake engine was there first anyway, that's why it has managed to accumulate more publicity, or am I wrong on this too?
I was making fun of myself duders.
nintenho said:
1. Didn't it take Epic years of R&D to make a multicore processor? What makes you think Carmack can do this himself. It took what, three years for Doom 3 to come out?

2. For us younguns, could you describe how Carmack was unique a decade ago.

I don't think that Epic has ever designed a processor, even less a multicore one.

Well, right or wrong, Carmack has been considered as the "father" of the FPS genre and with his quake engines that everyone and their pets were using for making games, Carmack was more or less the utlimate guru in game engine programming. I would have to say that those days are gone now, but still Carmack is one of the "big" ones, although I would like him to expand a bit and not only think in the way of corridor shooting when he comes up with his next engine...
I wouldn't say that. Up until Source was first shown to the world at E3 nobody had anything close to touching the DOOM 3 engine when it was first annouced around the time of the Geforce 3 release/unveiling. Unfortunatly it took them forever to finish DOOM 3 which is probably the reason some people on this board are saying such mean things about him but he might very likely come up with something that could arguably put the latest Unreal Engine to shame.

I remember when the Quake 3 engine was extremely popular an the games produced using it looked better in my opinion than the stuff coming from the whatever Unreal engine they were using at the time. Now there hasn't been a single game released using the UE3 and its already king of the hill. Carmak could likely follow suit but I'm not sure if the engine he will create will be as user friendly as the UE3.
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Dr. Nick said:
I wouldn't say that. Up until Source was first shown to the world at E3 nobody had anything close to touching the DOOM 3 engine when it was first annouced around the time of the Geforce 3 release/unveiling. Unfortunatly it took them forever to finish DOOM 3 which is probably the reason some people on this board are saying such mean things about him but he could very likely come up with something that could arguably put the latest Unreal Engine to shame.

And really, he was done with the Doom 3 engine for half the overall development time. It was the art/content creation that took so long.

I guess some have forgotten that Carmack has dealt with multiprocessors with Quake 3. Even if it's been awhile, it's still experience.
Dr. Nick said:
Unfortunatly it took them forever to finish DOOM 3 which is probably the reason some people on this board are saying such mean things about him but he might very likely come up with something that could arguably put the latest Unreal Engine to shame.

I hesitate to comment on this again, but what the hell.

I would prefer that we don't say mean things about him. He's still quite a competent programmer, and probably better than anyone on this board. On the other hand, I haven't been impressed with his comments lately. We all know multithreaded programming is a hard problem. We've known that for years. I get the feeling that he laments the move to multicore processors instead of looking forward to it. You get the same feeling from Gabe Newell. Then you get people like those from Ninja Theory and Epic who while acknowleding the problems, actually sound excited about solving them.

I could be totally wrong and maybe Carmack will blow everyone's socks off. Infact, I hope this is the case, because he's done great things in the past.

nintenho said:
It took what, three years for Doom 3 to come out?

The engine was completed for a long time, it was the content that took years. The man has been building rockets and had a son in the meantime...