xbox 360 screen corruption

Here try this .

Turn xbox 360 on , play a game for 20 minutes. Then chuck it out a window , then get the system and plug it in . Does it turn on ? For some reason mine didn't

Mendel said:
Can you guys reproduce this?

1. connect to xbox live and start downloading something big
2. wait until the screensaver starts
3. detach network cable

Why would anyone do this? Especially with a game console!! I think that would happen if you’re in the middle of downloading a file and suddenly you decided too unplug the Cat-5 cord.

Utterly stupid………
I wonder if loss of a connection will cause this. Seems like such a minor problem anyhow.
What's with all this indignated fanperson poo-poo replies in this thread? The question everybody should be asking isn't why someone would disconnect the network cable (on purpose; obviously accidents can and will happen here and there), but rather why the heck the screen glitches from having the network cable detached.

It's definitely a bug of the "makes no sense whatsoever" category.
blakjedi said:
why in the world would I do what you're suggesting?

You don't have to, I was just interested if it was a thing with my piece of console specifically or if it was reproducible. I was just interested out of curiosity.

Also I didn't detach my cable purposefully, you see the cable that came with my premium pack was too short, since the cable has to go all the way from my living room to my bedroom where the computer is sharing the internet connection... so I had to use an old cable that has its locking mechanism a bit loose.

Well, I then proceeded to download something and go make some coffee and oops, I moved the cable a bit with my foot and there we go.

edit: It happened like 3 separate times for me before I posted this, at which time I also thought I figured out what steps to take to reproduce this and it seems its feasible.

scooby_dooby said:
It doesn't crash though, If you press any direction on the gamepad then the normal screen comes back up.

Oh? Right. Should have tried that, I just somehow instantly panicked and turned the thing off every time when I saw it happen :)
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Mendel said:
Can you guys reproduce this?

1. connect to xbox live and start downloading something big
2. wait until the screensaver starts
3. detach network cable

Happened once with mine, although I didn't disconnect the network cable. Had a download going on in the background, changed inputs on my display, did a bit of web-surfing, changed back, and screen corruption. Moved the stick to disable screen-saver, and the picture was fine again (with a VGA cable that is).
This happened once to me while I was out jogging, but I didn't know this was the cause of it. I was on a spotty wireless connection at the time (1 bar) so maybe it went out mid download...

Well, that's good to know. I thought it might've been something more serious :p
Nerve-Damage said:
Why would anyone do this? Especially with a game console!! I think that would happen if you’re in the middle of downloading a file and suddenly you decided too unplug the Cat-5 cord.

Utterly stupid………

not only that, but you have to wait 20 minutes UNTIL the screensaver comes on, or it won't happen.

The is major bug#2 in the dashboard, there's another one where yu change the BG colour of your blades, do a few other button presses, hit RightBumper and it locks up. Or so I hear...
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Regarding all the "Why would I do this?" type questions:
The most interesting thing IMHO about such reproducible dashboard bugs is that you could perhaps find one that allows you to run some arbitrary code. With the bugs that have been discovered up to now this doesn't seem possible, but who knows what will turn up in the future. Of course, MS can probably patch via Live.
Guden Oden said:
What's with all this indignated fanperson poo-poo replies in this thread? The question everybody should be asking isn't why someone would disconnect the network cable (on purpose; obviously accidents can and will happen here and there), but rather why the heck the screen glitches from having the network cable detached.

It's definitely a bug of the "makes no sense whatsoever" category.

Hmm. Why would a plug suddenly come unplug on a console unless your moving either the console or what the other end of the plug is plugged into ?

More so why would u move an xbox while its on ? You can do damage to the disc and the system and the same goes for whatever device the plug is pluged into .

The screen doesn't glitch from having the network cable detached as i played mine for 3 days just fine (yes even going into screen saver mode) The glitch comes from pulling out the cable while its being used .

Which again how would this come up normaly ?
Actually you can remove the cable while it's being used and it works fine, give you a "Disconnected from XB Live" message, and exits the DL screen.

It's only after the screensaver has kicked in that this happens.
I can imagine someone fiddling behind their switch/router and then disconnects the wrong patch cable. Or maybe wants to tidy up the rat's nest behind the computer desk and unplugs everything for that reason. And then there's the original poster's situation with a bad cable.

In any case, it's very counter-productive to sit and imagine reasons why this bug would NOT happen, and then post a whiny complaint about it in this thread to try and discredit the original poster.

So there's a bug in the dashboard. So what. Is it the end of the world or something? No, of course not.
I can imagine someone fiddling behind their switch/router and then disconnects the wrong patch cable. Or maybe wants to tidy up the rat's nest behind the computer desk and unplugs everything for that reason. And then there's the original poster's situation with a bad cable.

I don't have the problem is if i disconnect from the router . Its only if i disconnect from the xbox . So that is not a problem.

If they clean up the rats nest behind the pc desk why would anyhting be on ? More so if your pulling cables why would u have them attached to something that can then be jreked and fall and break ?

Doesn't make much seense to me , but then again i like to take care of my stuff and really it seems you don't even know what the bug is .

You have to pull out the network cable while the scree nsaver is on . If you pull it out and the screen saver isn't on , no problems. If u pull the cable from the back of the trouter no problems .

Its a specific thing u need to do that you have to go out looking to od

In any case, it's very counter-productive to sit and imagine reasons why this bug would NOT happen, and then post a whiny complaint about it in this thread to try and discredit the original poster.
Its very counter-productive to bring up bugs that happen with non normal use . I don't see how this bug would ever come up in a normal instance. This is abug you have to go out looking to reproduce of it will never happen to 99.9% of the xbox users .

So there's a bug in the dashboard. So what. Is it the end of the world or something? No, of course not.

And so what if there is ? what are we going to do with this bug ? Sit up all night reproducing it ? Just for shits and giggles ?
I agree with Guden, there's no reason they deserve any slack here(well maybe a little), it's a bug that should've been caught and it wasn't, that's really the bottom line. No excuses.

With that said, it's not a big deal, the system doesn't even crash, and on a system this complex with this many features, I guess they deserve a little slack because this really is a fairly complex dashboard with a ton of features.

If Sony tried to replicate this, then I think you'd see ALOT more bugs than this.