Xbox 360 GPU upgradeable ??!?!

hmm, maybe it will just be something you can plugin like the n64 had with donkey kong if it's to much of a hassle it will never take off
The poster in the thread is of questionable reputation + it was an Allard interview in a PS2 mag according to him :?

I think that closes that case.
Allard is quoted in PSM as saying

"An upgradeable harddrive leaves open the options for many possible future enhancements to the system...And could that unit [spreaking of the harddrive] include, say a graphics chip or something similar to add even more power to the beast? "Anything's possible," Allard offers with a knowing grin."
Knoel said:
Allard is quoted in PSM as saying

"An upgradeable harddrive leaves open the options for many possible future enhancements to the system...And could that unit [spreaking of the harddrive] include, say a graphics chip or something similar to add even more power to the beast? "Anything's possible," Allard offers with a knowing grin."

That is quite a bit different from what the thread guys said:

15) Xbox 360 Life Span? Allard: "We have built a future Proof system" "If the User in the future wishes an upgraded Graphics card or similiar component, that option will be available to the user to add to the power of the beast"

Your quote seems to say:

Allard: An upgradeable harddrive leaves open the options for many possible future enhancements to the system

PSM: And could that unit [spreaking of the harddrive] include, say a graphics chip or something similar to add even more power to the beast?

Allard: "Anything's possible," Allard offers with a knowing grin.

While the forum post says, "Allard: "We have built a future Proof system" "If the User in the future wishes an upgraded Graphics card or similiar component, that option will be available to the user to add to the power of the beast"

So which (or neither, both?) is correct?
Great......I already have one high computer thats used for gaming...I don't need another. This upgradable GPU is a bad idea...if thats the case were just going to run into devs that have to develop for multiple Xbox 360 GPUs and make sure that people with the older GPUs can still use them without upgrading.....ugh
I heard that, Bill Gates, in an interview with the french edition of Home & Garden, said the Xbox360 will support a 640KB RAM Extension Pack. The RAM extension will be sold under the name "I Told You 640K Ought To Be Enough For You!360".
pegisys said:
hmm, maybe it will just be something you can plugin like the n64 had with donkey kong if it's to much of a hassle it will never take off
You should had chosen Zelda Majora's Mask as an example of the, supposedly, usefulness of the N64 RAM PAK, seeing how abysmally bad Donkey collect-thon Kong 64 was.
If all the points in that post are from the mag there are some interesting one:

13) Memory Card can Sync with the Face Plates to Animate the Face plate (Lava lamp ex)


Anyhow, what gets me is the list of exclusives. They list the following as exclusives:

Tom Clancy: Ghost Recon 3
Elder Scrolls IV
Full Auto
The Outfit
Quake IV
Call of Duty II
Gears of War
Project Gotham Racing 3
Perfect Dark Zero
Kameo: Elements of Power

I was not aware all of those were MS* exclusives (MS exclusive being something that wont be sold on the Sony or Nintendo platforms). Most of those are launch titles also... that is a pretty strong line up for a launch.

Xbox 360 acts as MC extender. PC acts as Storage, Xbox 360 as the viewer

A Ballmer quote seems to indicate a normal PC will work. If that is true, that would be pretty cool.
Acert93 said:
I was not aware all of those were MS* exclusives (MS exclusive being something that wont be sold on the Sony or Nintendo platforms). Most of those are launch titles also... that is a pretty strong line up for a launch.
How much you want to bet MS will again redefine "exclusive" to mean "exclusive to next-gen consoles"? :p
Knoel said:
Allard is quoted in PSM as saying

"An upgradeable harddrive leaves open the options for many possible future enhancements to the system...And could that unit [spreaking of the harddrive] include, say a graphics chip or something similar to add even more power to the beast? "Anything's possible," Allard offers with a knowing grin."

I can confirm this. I have the little insert sitting on the floor next to me...

However, this is a far cry from implying upgradable anything (other than a harddrive). Nothing connecting to a HDD slot is going to amplify the power of the console at all -- the bandwidth is so incredibly limited that you'd get nothing out of it.

It's just some kid making stuff up. It's not even feasible for the console to have an upgradable GPU -- That would imply ATI would need to make a new one, and then MS would have to sell it for cheap because nobody is going to buy a 500 dollar GPU for their console (so it would end up hurting overall profits more than helping). It's absurd.
Inane_Dork said:
Acert93 said:
I was not aware all of those were MS* exclusives (MS exclusive being something that wont be sold on the Sony or Nintendo platforms). Most of those are launch titles also... that is a pretty strong line up for a launch.
How much you want to bet MS will again redefine "exclusive" to mean "exclusive to next-gen consoles"? :p

I do not have a problem with that because they are different in many ways (e.g. my Video Card costs more than a new console). Not everyone can justify a gaming rig at $1000 or more that can play games well for 2 years and then poof. Consoles are 1/3 the cost, have more games, are used in the living room, and will play all games over a 4-6 year period well on the platform. And the last time I checked MS pretty much owned the home PC market too and the PC/Xbox might as well be Sony's PS/PSP or Nintendos Home Console/GameBoy. It is all in the family type deal. You look at the meager PC gaming market that is dominated by certain genres (RTS, FPS, RPGs, "sim" like games, card games), is void of others, and is mainly an adult platform (not many 12yo have gaming PCs) that is much smaller than the millions upon millions of consoles sold and it is hard to even compare.

I know others disagree, and that is fine. But being a PC gamer since the 80s and playing on consoles from the Atari and then the NES right on up to todays consoles I just do not see it. PCs have other functions with gaming as a plus--not a primary purpose.

Anyhow as long as they remain on MS platfoms + do not show up on Nintendo and Sony platforms, I think "exclusive" fits. It is exclusive to the Xbox 360 withing the *console market* and is exclusive to MS platforms. Nit picking over a couple hundred thousand sales on the PC when the Xbox 360 will probably sell millions of those titles is hard to compare. I look at Halo sales and Halo PC sales and it is really no comparison. (And the reverse: some of those exclusives will sell better on the PC and being console exclusive would hurt sales, so it is more of a help to MS to get them on Xbox for variety and allow them to support their PC platform, which MS does not want to kill).

Anyhow, I am sure we will now see a ton of responses about how MS lies about their exclusives ;)
Acert93 said:
I was not aware all of those were MS* exclusives (MS exclusive being something that wont be sold on the Sony or Nintendo platforms). Most of those are launch titles also... that is a pretty strong line up for a launch.
Out of this list, only PGR3, GoW, PD0 and Kameo are "real" exclusives ("Real" as in, produced/published/developed by MGS or have an exclusivity deal with the publisher.).
The rest are "next-gen" exclusives (Until the others machines are released).
Alstrong said:
Acert93 said:
some of those exclusives will sell better on the PC and being console exclusive would hurt sales

which ones?

Quake has a huge PC following. It was born on the PC and was really our first introduction to 3D FPSs (I consider Duke Nuken, Doom, Wolfenstien to be Pseudo 3D FPS). Very few games on the PC sell really well... and I would expect Quake to be one of them. So being on the console only I think would hurt id/Raven sales a lot. They are one of the PC titles where you can say, "In 3 years they will have 2-5M in total sales". If they were an Xbox 360 exclusive, with such a limited install base for launch, I do not see them making up those 2-5M in sales.

Simiarly CoD2 has done really well on the PC. The recent console port kind of stunk so I am not sure how much of a bad taste lingers with gamers.

With both FPS, I do not see Xbox 360 making a dent into the PC gamer "elite" who live and die by their KB/MS. I know far too many PC gamers who ignore the consoles and would never buy a console FPS. That is not true of them all of course, but I do not see 2-5M PC gamers getting an Xbox 360 just for a single game. MS will be lucky to get 3M consoles out the door this fall in total, so I don't see how the Xbox Launch could provide enough console units to make a big enough platform.

Elder Scrolls IV is maybe another one. I am not sure how big the PC following is (not an RPG gamer) but I know it is fairly popular.

Overall launch titles get passed up in the 2nd year by games that had a longer development time and had access to the real hardware longer to make things look better and play better. Basically Launch titles pave the way for everything else. There are the exceptions (like a Mario 64), but usually 2nd and 3rd gen games pass up launch titles in quality AND since they are "new" they appeal to the larger install base.

Actually a lot of launch titles get the short enf of the sales stick. So a hot PC titles like Elder Scrolls, CoD2, or Quake may sell more titles on the PC than the total install base of Xbox 360s come the end of 2005.

I think the story changes a little when you have an install base of 30-50M consoles or more. Exclusives can mean solid game sales... but MS does not want to kill the PC (and never has sold that many consoles!) so I do not see that as an issue.
Vysez said:
Out of this list, only PGR3, GoW, PD0 and Kameo are "real" exclusives ("Real" as in, produced/published/developed by MGS or have an exclusivity deal with the publisher.).
The rest are "next-gen" exclusives (Until the others machines are released).

Not doubting you (many of those titles have appeared on other game consoles), but where did you get this info from?

I know console makers have a REALLY bad habit of getting a timed exclusive and then announcing it as an exclusive and THEN not allowing anyone to know that it is a timed exclusive until a certain date (usually after their "exclusive" has been sold for a while).

There really are not that many real exclusives these days outside of 1st/2nd party franchises.
I know that it's been confirmed many times that Elder's Scrolls 4 will be on PS3, so at least that one isn't a "real" 360 exclusive. I haven't seen any mention of Quake 4 on PS3 though. Come on, id/Raven!
orfanotna said:
I know that it's been confirmed many times that Elder's Scrolls 4 will be on PS3, so at least that one isn't a "real" 360 exclusive. I haven't seen any mention of Quake 4 on PS3 though. Come on, id/Raven!

I never heard that confirmed. I remember someone on the forum saying it was a PS3 exclusive (which it is not). I checked IGN and they do not even list it:

Where did you get the information that Elder's Scroll IV is only a timed exclusive and will be on the PS3?
Acert93 said:
Not doubting you (many of those titles have appeared on other game consoles), but where did you get this info from?
What part of the info?
The part saying that on that list some games are X360 exclusive because MGS developing them, like the Rare games (Kameo, PD0), or producing and publishing (PGR3), or only publishing them (GoW).

Or the part about Activision, THQ, Sega, Ubisoft, Bethesda games being "exclusives" for a period time only because the X360 will be the only next-gen console released?

AFAIK, none of thoses game have been announced, by their publishers, as X360 exclusive.

I guess you're right, it wasn't *officially* confirmed, and there is no page for it on However, here are 2 snippets from articles/interviews:

"May 16, 2005 - Bethesda Software unveiled the latest Elderscroll game for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC, dubbed Elderscrolls IV: Oblivion."

"We'll try to get the game on as many platforms that can handle it as possible. We simply view it as "Oblivion," and plan on having it be the same regardless of platform. That being said, I'm sure there will be visual differences between versions, but they'll be minor." (interview with Todd Vaughn, Nov 22, 2004)