Wreckless is amazing



Don't blink as it is the best looking game avaialable currently. :!:

It's like I stepped into Chinatown with year old contact lenses that are really dried out at the moment. I should hope CG gets used for something else besides this gratuitously gaudy piece. :devilish: ...but if that is what impresses you...
A bit too many lensflares for my taste... OMG! Gives me bad flashbacks of Perfect Dark!

I'd have to agree. There it is, a first-gen Xbox game, and it's still the best-looking console game today. The developers may not have put together the best GAME, but it sure is purty.

It uses just about every feature of NV2A, but it's far from best looking game IMO. It takes a lot more than enabling every filter known to man to make something that I consider great looking.
randycat99 said:
It's like I stepped into Chinatown with year old contact lenses that are really dried out at the moment. I should hope CG gets used for something else besides this gratuitously gaudy piece. :devilish: ...but if that is what impresses you...

CG? That's realtime hun!

I have to agree, Wreckless is easily one of the most impressive looking games out right now.

And would you believe, the developers basically used 80% nVidia sample code for the graphics engine?
Marconnelly wrote:

It takes a lot more than enabling every filter known to man to make something that I consider great looking.

Granted, it all comes down to personal opinion. But after reading chap's post last night, I popped in Wreckless to give it a play. And I was blown away all over again.

It looks gorgeous in-game, but in replay mode, some of those filters make it look positively REAL. I'm seriously impressed, even after more than a year. This, to me, is the prettiest console game I know of.

(My other top-ranked lookers are Enclave, DOA3, and Star Wars: Rogue Leader.)

I love effects, and this game is full of them. I'm kinda dissapointed though, b/c the PS2 and GC ended up having more content. The only thing I didn't like too much about Wreckless was that it didn't have enough levels.

I personally would definately pick this one up if they made a newer version for the Xbox that had the content of the PS2 and GC versions.
I only have an Xbox and don't really have access to PS2 or GC.

I've never seen Wreckless (in game or otherwise) on any system other than Xbox.
How does it look on the other consoles?
Mr.Wormwood: All things point to Wreckless on PS2/GCN being rushed graphics-wise, especially the GCN version. (since the 'Cube can easily pull off bump-mapping and other features at Wreckless's native 30fps while PS2 can't)
since the 'Cube can easily pull off bump-mapping and other features at Wreckless's native 30fps while PS2 can't
Not easily... You can't just copy and paste samples of code provided by graphics hardware manufacturer ;)