"low hype" - maybe if the software wouldn't be lacking, we'd have some hype?
Metroid Prime is one example of a game with barely any casual gamer hype, yet its most sites and mags GOTY. Poor software is not the problem with lack of hype for GC. The lack of hype is mostly due to lack of advertising and bad advertising for those games.
People who aren't more hardcore gamers have probably never heard of Metroid Prime. While games like Halo and GTA3 got/get constant adverts Metroid Prime had a small (by comparison) ad compaign that lasted a few weeks AFAIR. Even then while the advert was good it wasn't the right sort of advert to make MP apeal to casual gamers. It was a cool advert that fans of the series loved and most people probably liked when they saw it. However it wasn't right to create widespread hype with casual gamers. It really annoys me too because its soooo easily to make a ad that the casual gamers would eat up.
First off you need plenty of either in-game action or FMV that a casual gamer will mistake for in-game (not the sort of thing that was in the MP ad that Nintendo did). They want to see the game. Then you need to hire that guy who does all the film trailers, you know the one with the deep wierd sounding voice. Or someone similar.
Now you start off with Samus entering the space station. As she walks through everything is silent appart from her footstaps. The narrator starts:
"Metroid Prime is quite simply the game of 2002 - says GameSpot"
*Clunk Clunk Clunk go Samus's Footsteps*
"Its like the best game from 10 years in the future fell through a time warp - says EGM"
*Clunk Clunk Clunk go Samu's Footsteps*
"Metroid Prime is an absolute masterpiece, a modern classic, and the most fun I've ever had playing a videogame - says gamers.com"
Samus hears a large screeching noise (the sort of thing you'd hear on an old boat that's slowly collapsing from the water pressure) and a clunk sound as the ship shackes. Samus stops for a moment as she's knocked slightly off her stride. The narrator has also stopped for a moment.
Samus starts walking again and the narrator says "In [enter days to release]... you'll find out..."
Samus hears a noise and turns with her gun ready turning her head back and forth looking for the enemy, the atmosphere is now very tense, and after a pause the narrator continues "that in space"..
Samus turns back after a seconds pause and again after a slight pause the narrator continues.. "nobody"
Ooze drops onto Samus's visor and the narrator says "can here you screem". She looks up quickly, startled, and sees a nasty and very big drooling monster. The monster screeches and drops on Samus as she fires up at it (this all happens very quickly).
Her visor goes to a fuzzy screen (with the appropriate fuzzy noise to accompany it) and then dark (with the picture first turning into a thin line then a dot.. you know the generic turning off a TV look).
Finally you fade in the words Metroid Prime from left to right with spooky lighting and a bit of smoke, and that noise they used constantly on The Mothman Prophesies and the narrator says, as slowly, deep and pronounced as possible "Metroid Prime......".
Then the only on Nintendo GameCube bit apears and its the end.
You get the idea, a load of overused tripe basically

But that's exactly what gets casual gamers excited. Play that ad enough times and Metroid Prime would have gotten the hype it deserved.
Oh and incase anyone wants to suggest I'm somehow defending Nintendo in this post. Nintendo has nobody to blame but themselves for lack of hype. Because they are responsible for marketing the console and its games. They're even responsible for advertising games not made by themselves to some degree, because those games being successful can only help there console sell. Sadly they don't seem to see that