Wow, a mostly intelligent post from Johnny Awesome. I'm shocked! Sure, it whispers "Nintendo is going down" in our ears.. but at least it makes some sense. Congratulations, Johnny.. you've finally come through for us with a solid post! *claps*
Don't go spoiling it by mentioning dual-analog Super Mario Sunshine again!
The problem I see is that Nintendo hardware to sell Nintendo games only lasts as a viable business model when Nintendo software is viewed as being clearly superior. That advantage is eroding rather quickly I would say.
Nintendo is still as good IMO, Sony is catching up. "You would say", I would say otherwise but you're somewhat right IMO. If developers copy Nintendo (or any AAA developer) enough, they'll eventually be able to replicate them in certain ways.
know I sound like a broken record, but there will come a day when people will be fine with Rayman as a substitue for Mario or Perfect Dark as a substitute for Metroid, and so on...
This day has come, many years ago actually. It's called diversity in gaming.
Just because I play Halo doesn't mean I can't also play Quake. Rayman (for the most part) is an awesome platforming series. If you limited yourself to one platforming series, it would be a good choice to pick Rayman over Mario if that tickles your fancy. Me, if I was stranded on a desert island with only one choice I'd probably take Mario games since I usually love 'em.
We're getting to a point where presentation is going to matter a lot more than gameplay, simply because most gameplay will have been invented and perfected. Gameplay is Nintendo's strong suit, but going to get to a point where "it's all been done".
It's going to take an awfully long time for this event to occur. Until then (if "then" ever occurs) presentation is important but gameplay is key, in my book. Kinda like how graphics and audio are important but not key.
Nintendo is going to have problems in a GTA, Halo, MGS, online world that they didn't have in the Mario, Sonic, SSB, Metroid world.
Are you trying to tell me that Metroid Prime doesn't have a good presentation.. or that Halo has far superior gameplay to *insert Nintendo/Sega game here*? Nintendo is going online. This paragraph of yours confuses me, Johnny.
We're almost getting back into "MP needs dual-analog or else it sucks" mode here.
Casual gamers are fine with their Cubes to play Metroid Prime and Zelda, as long as they still get to play Madden and Tony Hawk. Take those away and Nintendo hardware is a lot less attractive to single console owners. They'll go buy a PS2 to play Madden and Tony Hawk if they have to and settle for SOCOM, R&C, and ICO without shedding too many tears
I'll definitely agree with you here, for the most part. The thing is.. Madden and Tony Hawk sell well on GCN..
Diehard fans of any company are a dying breed. Sega found this out and Nintendo will eventually as well.
Could you rephrase this? I'll be a diehard fan as long as they keep delivering like they have..