According to Blizzard, the re-taking of Gnomeregan is "imminent" - and I assume as a function, the reclaiming of the Echo Isles as well, from the level 12 warlock NPC that's been occupying them for all this time...

Apparantly, any player at least level 75 will be able to partake in the battle, which I assume will be along the lines of the assault on the Undercity during the Wrathgate questline - IE, you follow your faction leader and get insanely buffed by him, and lay waste to tons of badguys without needing any tank or healer or anything like that.
I suppose there will be another content patch first though - with preceeding test server action - because neither the current Gnomeregan instance, nor the tiny Echo Isles are suitable as starter areas for their respective races...
All of the class changes previews have also been posted up by Blizzard, and I assume those who are interested enough in WoW have at least peeked at them. My most important classes right now are druid and priest, and changes to both of those appear to be pretty decent I think. There's some stuff I didn't see, like no spammable arcane spell for when nature gets school-locked for the moonkin, but on the other hand we get some other stuff, like a silence effect and WILD MUSHROOM... Ell-oh-ell! I wonder if that spell really makes it into release, or if someone's gonna chicken out and say that name's just too suggestive, we can't have that!
Blizzard also stated in their recent twitter chat we'll be able to train another rank of riding to boost the flying speed of all flying mounts (and I assume, swift druid flight form) to 310%. Wonder if it will cost less than 10 grand?

No, I guess it won't be overly expensive, since that would just encourage gold-buying...
They also said we'd probably be allowed to fly in the new old world right from the start of cataclysm, rather than having to wait several levels. I'm not sure if I want to do this. I might actually level just by using ground mounts for the first time, to better experience the new look of the zones...
Of course, I could simply start another character first thing when the expansion hit... Chances are I'll do just that actually, become one of roughly 2 million worgen running around their starter zone, making the servers crash...!