Witcher 3 supports GPU PhysX + TXAA

As to why CDPR went with nVidia is pretty clear to me.
It's all about money ... either directly (we know AMD did this in the 3DNow age for instance, so it probably still happens now) or indirectly through in house devrel "support", free licenses etc. If it was an issue of principle then the first principle you stand by is to serve your customers ...

On the upside, if they use physx that heavily all through the game at least the CPU paths will have to be properly optimized this time around. Although the next gen consoles being x86 are making it hard to only optimize for the consoles any way (hard and impossible are of course different things).
I still haven't finished the witcher 2, i think i only got up to the dwarf village before i lost interest.

I can sympathize. I thought the game got off to a pretty good start but gradually lost steam as you progressed further. The "here's what really happened during the last 30 hours because we couldn't figure out how to work our narrative into the actual game in an organic fashion" exposition bomb at the very end was especially disappointing. Heck, the story wasn't particularly interesting in the first place.

Heck, I actually had more fun with Dragon Age 2. Not nearly as pretty of course, but a much better combat system and some exceptionally well written characters saved it for me.