Windows 95 running on a second HDD?


I've got a second hard drive(1.7 Gb) that I want to install Windows 95 on. It would need to run on the same computer as a 40 Gb Windows XP hard drive that uses NTFS. It's the full version of the second edition of Windows 95 on a CD. Is there any way to make Windows 95 run completely independently, with me having the option to pick my operating system at boot? I need good DOS support ! :( . Thanks.
Only way I know to do it is to install win95 first and then install XP on top of it.

I usually run a 98se/XP set-up on all my rigs, and I always install 98se then install XP onto a different drive....I like the low-level control too. ;)
I suppose you could boot to a Win9x floppy and then install Win95 onto the second disk and then edit the boot.ini of the XP partition t give you the option of booting Win95.
Completely independently without a boot menu? Easy. Change the boot order in your BIOS to the second HD being second boot device (after the floppy). Boot from a DOS startup disk or Win95/98 boot disk and install windows to C: (since your previous D: will be seen as C: now). Install Win95 as always.

After you finished that, you can always switch boot order in your BIOS between C: and D: being the second boot device and thus work with the OS you want.

Of course, make sure you don't delete some important system files of the OS you don't use at the moment since these are no more write protected when you're in the other OS.