Will we see successful Voice Recognition any time soon?

Naboomagnoli said:
How about this instead (in a single player squad based war game):

You could gesture to a squad bot to go in a certain direction with your hand, while saying "find cover over there". You could peer up over a wall with your tilt controls/analogue stick, and do some recon...
Guesture recognition would work well there. I'nm thinking StarGate SG-1 shooter wher you use the silent arm guestures to maneouvre troops. Um, not really relevant to speech recognition in games though! :mrgreen:
The bigest problem is that it seems none of the consoles will have a micro, so we may need to wait till next next gen (unless there is some very good standard dev tools tha make it cheap).

BTW this kind of programes wouldnt like low latency enviroments:?:
pc999 said:
The bigest problem is that it seems none of the consoles will have a micro, so we may need to wait till next next gen (unless there is some very good standard dev tools tha make it cheap).

I don't know if the lack of standard microphones will be that big a deal. Obviously it makes them less of a focal point than it otherwise would but the main obstacle for most accessories becoming massively popular is the need for a killer-app to really make the accessory essential - online gaming represents a whole load of reasons to buy a headset and microphone, which could then be used for single player voice recognition. I do see that it probably means that voice recognition in OS's is unlikely though, and also that for it to really catch on some good middleware will have to be developed first..
From what is said there is only about 10% of all gamers that go online so there isnt many reasons to invest in a feature that many will not use, althought there is some midleware for that (even more now with UE3).

At the best I would expect the same we saw in XB (which had much more micros per console) some minor nice features in games like SWAT/RS3/GR2, nothingh that you cant do with the controler.

BTW does GRAW use voice recg too?
Bad_Boy said:
kinda OT, has there been any reports/news about a next gen Socom?

There was a rumour about a cross-platform PS2/PS3 Socom 4. You may want to take it with a grain of salt, though, as the same report said that the next God of War would receive similar cross platform treatment, and that of the two, God of War was less likely to show up at E3 (whereas, we know now that GoW2 is on PS2 alone, and it was the one to show up at E3).

With job ads like this, it seems certain they're working on it (it's one of a number of ads referring to a next-generation game):

We are looking for a senior engineer with experience in real-time client/server multiplayer programming. The job will entail development of server side components for a large-scale multiplayer game on a next generation console.


Back on topic, I'm looking forward to seeing what Eyedentify will offer in terms of voice recognition. It's something Richard Marx's team has been working on, so I'm looking forward to seeing what they do on PS3.
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Naboomagnoli, do you know anything about the game, Eyedentity ? It seems to feature some sort of voice recognition.
patsu said:
Naboomagnoli, do you know anything about the game, Eyedentity ? It seems to feature some sort of voice recognition.

Ah yes, Eyedentify. I know nothing beyond what was shown at E3 2005, including whether or not it's still coming. It looked interesting, certainly something I'd rent as long as it didn't get too 'Charlie's Angels' and I didn't have to look like as much of a gimp as the guy who was playing it :p. It didn't really seem like anything near a killer app, so I doubt it would change the face of gaming forever - however if the technology behind it is shown to work without removing too much processing power from the rest of the game engine, I could see it planting a seed in the mind of a more talented game creator..
I think it will be very hard to get a voice recognition program to work successfully because of the fact that people pronounce things differently. Maybe when there is a system, be it hardware or software based that is smart enough to recognize the deviation from people...
The voice recognition technology we have today is probably good enough to be used as a gimick, but not as a core gameplay element. It certainly would not make a reliable control interface.

I think one fun idea would be a bot like side kick that you could talk to and it would respond with some kind of simple dbsbaitso/alice chatter bot response package.

But licencing costs for voice recognition technology is probably too expensive to be used for something that doesnt substatially make the game better.
inefficient said:
But licencing costs for voice recognition technology is probably too expensive to be used for something that doesnt substatially make the game better.

Anyone how license the UE3 will also have acess to the voice recg tech and, from their descriptions, it seems it can have quite a impact in gameplay.
When I think of voice recognition I think of the telephony services where you have to talk to the stupid computer rather than hitting a button to get the selection you want.

Words cannot describe how much I despise those systems.
In "D: All Things Digital" 2003:

Audience member: Where are we when it comes to speech as a user interface?

Steve Jobs: Speech has always been five years away. Most of the smart people in the field I know have gotten out of it. Even 1% error drives you nuts. Everyone has groups working on it, but it doesn't look like it will be real anytime soon.

That said... the excitement comes from discovering new uses within the current technology limits. I have seen:

(i) Better IVR (yes, those talking company directory and bank services over the phone). I must say it has improved significantly during the past 2 years. Just barely usable but save company $$$.

How do you like one for your own IVR answering machine though ? It should be not too difficult to do one using VoiceXML. Cell definitely has more than enough horsepower to drive this.

(ii) Instead of speech recognition, focus just on voice recognition. e.g., Since PS3 has multiple user profiles, make it recognize my voice to login (like Mac OS X, say "My voice is my password"). The voice print is stored as an alternative to the usual text password. I hate typing using controller so will go for voice password as a first go.

(iii) When people hurl expletives at each other over voice chat during a Socom session, have PS3 recognize keywords and respond with appropriate pre-recorded voice or text-to-voice (like a mild "Same to you !!!", "Muahahaa !"). The problem is you'll keep losing because PS3 spend so much time analyzing incoming nonsense.

Oh, I don't know. I bet Eyedentify would s*ck. If it's released, I don't mind renting a copy to try out.
patsu said:
In "D: All Things Digital" 2003:

Audience member: Where are we when it comes to speech as a user interface?

Steve Jobs: Speech has always been five years away. Most of the smart people in the field I know have gotten out of it. Even 1% error drives you nuts. Everyone has groups working on it, but it doesn't look like it will be real anytime soon.
Good answer. The basics of voice recognition may sound simple, but when you look at the tiny little details, it becomes something of a nightmare. I don't know what progress has been like, but this comment suggests teams have realized the costs achieving it (if even possible with current generation tech) are totally outweighed by the fact it's not really a great benefit!