Will we always be limited to FPS perspective?


Basically, what the title says.
Even if we take the best-case scenario (an utopia of a sort) where humans have went beyond their natural borders (Earth), colonized the entire cosmos, defeated death and diseases, distributed wealth among everyone, cured all social problems (so everyone finds him/herself the perfect mate), made everyone gorgeously attractive and unmatched personality-wise, found out that there are other dimensions, an afterlife, different universes etc (or not, which is not really of vital importance here).

Will we still be always subject to our own unique subjective experiences? always separate from the rest of people whom we come in contact with? Always with our own knowledge, beliefs, opinions, theories, etc no matter what? Basically, are we always going to be tied to what our own unique "first-person perspective"?

Someone told me that there is a high likelihood that with future technology we will be able to communicate directly with other people's brains, and thus be able to also experience their sensory perception. This would enable us to have at least a fraction of another person (or many persons) perspective but I can't see how would that be possible... I can't possibly imagine how would I for example be able to retain my unique experiences and couple them with any of you guys for instance..

Any takers? :)
Well humans will always be humans, but I guess you could build something that has a bigger perspective, which i guess is kind of what your asking for, a conscioussness with a bigger perspective. Maybe you could link everyones brain up to that 'thing', the made great consciousness. (wirelessly, so it sees and experiences everything that you do, and everyone else, at the same time).

Sounds almost like God.

edit: and then instead of just being a lot of FP's you could maybe arrange the vision in such a way that you get a panorama with all the eyes in the universe. Like you have two eyes and make it one picture, the 'thing' will have 20billion eyes.
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I like the idea :)
Do you have an idea of how it can be implemented or if it is even plausible?

Come to think of it, how would it really work? You wouldn't really be feeling anything yourself right? Would that be sort of you sitting across 20 billion computer screens each one translating that person's experience to you? That doesn't really translates to yo *being* that person, but is more akin to you having the same sensations (such as, for example, if she/he orgasms, you can feel it too the same way she feels it).

Oh, and what did you mean by "humans will always be humans"?
I guess it might be possible to hijack the optic nerve and rig it to a camera mounted on your back or something.
Of course it'd be possible to mount a camera of sorts and have it hover or some such around your body and send the image to the optic nerve, or at least in my mind that would work.

However, your society sounds like hell.

There's also a ability some already have, imagination.
We are the borg. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own.:devilish:
Well, I'm sure that if we survive long enough as a species we will learn to augment our own sensory organs with additional devices... artificial eyes God knows where, chemical and temperature sensors in our homes beaming information directly to our nervous system... who knows what we will learn to do. But we will still be subject to our brain, even if we augment it as well, such that we render the collective inputs of all senses, whether natural or artificial, into our perception of reality.

So in the broader sense, yes, I think we will always experience the world through the lens of our own mind. Even if we were connected like the borg, so long as we retained our humanity in such a connection, we would experience "the collective" from our own unique perspective. I think so long as that is the case we would remain human.
This topic is too deep for me. However :

Will we still be always subject to our own unique subjective experiences? always separate from the rest of people whom we come in contact with? Always with our own knowledge, beliefs, opinions, theories, etc no matter what? Basically, are we always going to be tied to what our own unique "first-person perspective"?
If there's one experience I cannot have right now but wish I can, it has to be how a woman feels during sex.

Doesn't mean I want to be a woman, of course. Unlike Russ.
What do you want?
It's a perspective based on eye coordinates that mimic our own.
You don't like then don't use it. Set up your own damn system, that's why I'm learning mathematics.
What do you want?
It's a perspective based on eye coordinates that mimic our own.
You don't like then don't use it. Set up your own damn system, that's why I'm learning mathematics.
What are you talking about m8? :)

If there's one experience I cannot have right now but wish I can, it has to be how a woman feels during sex.
Yeah, I would love to experience that too, although I would also love, in addition to that, to fully transform into a beautiful women and live her life.. just to see how it would feel like.

This "exonerates" the existence of this thread - wanting to become someone has nothing to do with hooking up to a God-like supercomputer and feeding off the experience of everyone - although it's a decent surrogate. There aren't any other means except that one now, are there?
You know I just thought of something... maybe it can be like in that sci-fi movie "Strange Days" from 1997.. special QM chips that would encode our entire subjective experience with the possibility to play the cassette (or do any of the known operations - rewind, etc) and experience everything from that person's perspective.

That's as close as anyone can come to experiencing another person's experiences (obviously it would have to be isolated to one person at a time so no God-like machines here).

It is conceivable though...