Wii owned?? (new control system)

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These really are not new and have been around for a good while. They'd also fail extremely bad in mass market.

Imagine the injury bull this one would go through too "Little Johnny got punched in the eye, maybe it wasn't so bright standing next to his friend as they started fighting".
These really are not new and have been around for a good while. They'd also fail extremely bad in mass market.

Imagine the injury bull this one would go through too "Little Johnny got punched in the eye, maybe it wasn't so bright standing next to his friend as they started fighting".

Yeah, it really killed the Wii.

Sorry couldn't help it..
What an utterly ridiculous title. And Wii2? You understand this needs the player to be in front of a large blue screen, right? With a camera on opposite, and 'TVs' on the ends so the player can see the game. This tech was shown ages back too. E3 '05 I think.

It won't find it's way into any console, because you can't be reliant on chromokeying out a background to work a game. That's nonsense. The only take home point of interest is the improved composition and player interpretation over EyeToy, which could be discussed in relevance to camera based gaming of the future.

But 'Wii Owned'? Please don't drag down the IQ of the forum with such FANB0Y type titles (as per the FAQ). Pick an appropriate title discussing the thread content. In this case, somethig about advanced camera-based motion detection and suitability for home consoles would have been far better.
What an utterly ridiculous title. And Wii2? You understand this needs the player to be in front of a large blue screen, right? With a camera on opposite, and 'TVs' on the ends so the player can see the game. This tech was shown ages back too. E3 '05 I think.

It won't find it's way into any console, because you can't be reliant on chromokeying out a background to work a game. That's nonsense. The only take home point of interest is the improved composition and player interpretation over EyeToy, which could be discussed in relevance to camera based gaming of the future.

But 'Wii Owned'? Please don't drag down the IQ of the forum with such FANB0Y type titles (as per the FAQ). Pick an appropriate title discussing the thread content. In this case, somethig about advanced camera-based motion detection and suitability for home consoles would have been far better.

It may be interesting to talk about Eyetoy 2 being able to do something similar to this but only a FANB0Y think first in atacking other plataforms when something new is showed (not that new in this case).
At first I thought it was a 3D avatar being controlled, which would be impressive. But it appears to simply be a colour adjusted video of yourself, with colour keying as mentioned. Hardly a revolution :p

You simply track the centre of mass for movement, and any fast moving points inflict damage if they move fast. Very limited and very simple. I've seen significantly more complex things done before (with actual 3D avatars, weapons, shields etc).
Am i the only one around here who, above all other expressions, absolutely detests the expression "owning" and all variations? Especially in thread titles.
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