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Why are most American "real life" series I sometimes happen to watch so much into establishing authority, telling everyone what they should do while shouting and cursing?
DiGuru said:
Why are most American "real life" series I sometimes happen to watch so much into establishing authority, telling everyone what they should do while shouting and cursing?
huh? Mind giving us some examples. The few reality shows i can think of are british copies.

It would be really boring to watch if all they do is agree and be civil :)

I think people that make these type of shows totally put random people with opposing beliefs so they can fight and bicker in the show...

unless if it's scripted :/
DiGuru said:
Why are most American "real life" series I sometimes happen to watch so much into establishing authority, telling everyone what they should do while shouting and cursing?

Because the people are chosen to give rise to conflict, and then it's set up to ensure they do conflict, and then edited to be sure that's what you see. It's all made up TV garbage.

I don't know what's worse - that they keep making these (cheap) shows, or that enough people keep watching them that the production companies continue to get commisioned to make them. Pure waste of airtime.
Yeah, they tick me off too. I always do a silent roll eyes when my friends mention watching them. They defend themselves saying it's something to watch with *gasp* suspense.

But whatever, I recognize that not everyone can be on the same level as me. :devilish:
LunchBox said:
I think people that make these type of shows totally put random people with opposing beliefs so they can fight and bicker in the show...

I thought that was the role of the congress.
Any fiction writer that I've ever heard talk about writing in the last fifty years (which probably limits it to Americans), will tell you the first rule of writing is you need conflict and struggle. This what they've been trained writing is.

Unfortunately, most of them seem to take that very literally and the easy road to it at that. And call them "reality" shows all we like, but they are still scripted.
I despise most reality shows with a passion. The only one I've seen that I actually enjoyed was, "Last Comic Standing."