Why does Direct3D have REALLY long namig schemes?


Retarded moron
It's the one thing that baffles me.
IMO I don't really like the way D3D was designed(in terms of naming) because it looks awkward versus OpenGL's nice to hte point names.

Is this going to be different under D3D-10?
Are Microsoft going to redesign their naming scheme?
Dunno, but OpenGL use shortened names, whereas D3D uses complete words, and the functions are sometimes more generic than the GL counterparts.

OpenGL : glTexGen, glTexEnv, glTexParameters...
Direct3D : SetTextureStageState, SetSamplerState...

All in all, if you have auto completion in your IDE, you don't really care, and the D3D approach might be easier for beginners.

BTW, I don't really care, provided the doc is fine (which is the case for both APIs now.)

Gizzz, I remember how I fought D3D6 to get things working, what an horrible API it was at the time, D3D9 is much much better (and much closer to OpenGL way of doing things).
And yes I know both API need have the same featureset since they are accessing the same hardware in the end...
At least the stupid D3DRENDERSTATE_XXX got renamed to a more sensible D3DRS_XXX. :)
I guess a lot of Microsoft products do syntax completion etc. (like Visual Studio) which saves you lots of typing whilst giving you benefit of more meaningful and descriptive classes and methods.