Who stole my A-10's right engine?!

digitalwanderer said:
SPIT!!!! :oops:

I thought the Zalman 7000cu was a horking big cooler, that thing is obscene!

That's funny. I have a Zalman and it doesn't look big to me at all. Guess I've gotten used to it. That turbine that Asus is trying to pass off as a HSF is ridiculous though.
You know I hate to say it, but personally

I like the idea of being able to push the air straight towards the back of the case, it actually seems an intelligent idea. OEM's have had ductwork and so forth to do this forever, but for regular folks you either had to make your own or have a louder fan (or water cooling).

On the other hand it does look ridiculous to me, and who knows how much it weighs or how quiet it actually is, but I wouldn't just dismiss it myself.
Weelll... after the first shock I'm not sure that this is a bad idea. The bigger the fan, the lower the rpm, right? And dumping the air outside the case is of course a good idea.

As for sizes, and IMO:
In the beginning, bigger heatsinks were kinda cool (in a style sense, and provided a nerdy disposition). Then they got so big that it stopped being cool and was just ridiculous. But this thing, ah, this thing has continued all the way through the ridiculous zone and emerged on the other side, being cool again! 8)
I think it only looks this huge because of the bulky plastic enclosure, otherwise it's just a plain heatpipe-tower cooler like many before. (A piccie of this has been floating around the net since the weeks before the Prescott launch (and a schematic was shown on the ASUS website too) though...)
Sally looked on rather sadly, as she switched on her computer, and it flew away across the room and out the window, never to be seen again...
That thing looks cool IMO. Too bad the fan in it is an el-cheapo 1-ball unit. Hopefully there will be something even bigger and cooler available before it rolls over and dies. :D