My friends Bryan, Craig, Alan, and I were playing TimeSplitters 2 on my GameCube earlier today, and because I only have three normal controllers, I was even using my Hori Digital-only controller to play.
I won every round.
Including one round that involved a lot of sniping.
I don't see why people complain so darn much about how horrid console FPS controls are... >_> I was doing awesome. I was incapable of aiming vertically while moving, or zooming in while moving, and I was still doing better than my opponents...
And they aren't poor players, either - Alan and Craig have been playing TS2 just as long as I have, and have both cleared Story on Normal (same as me), and Bryan has been playing HALO since its release (he has, of course, beat it on Legendary...).
Mmm, anecdotes...
I won every round.
Including one round that involved a lot of sniping.
I don't see why people complain so darn much about how horrid console FPS controls are... >_> I was doing awesome. I was incapable of aiming vertically while moving, or zooming in while moving, and I was still doing better than my opponents...
And they aren't poor players, either - Alan and Craig have been playing TS2 just as long as I have, and have both cleared Story on Normal (same as me), and Bryan has been playing HALO since its release (he has, of course, beat it on Legendary...).
Mmm, anecdotes...