which defragger is the best for XP?


I just got Diskeeper 8.0 Professional. Man this is one dam good defragger. Compared to the Windows one and Vopt (which I also have), Diskeeper beats them both hands down.

Then someone else tells me about Perfect Disk 6.0 and says that one is the best, hands down. I went to their website and it does look impressive.

I would like to hear some experiences from people who have used both.
We used to use disk defragmenter on somewhere around 20 servers at my office. Then one day, DiskKeeper decided to clear out all the permissions to the user's directories on the file server. Needless to say, it was the last time we ran it. Now I've just got a .vbs script scheduled that opens defrag and runs it. read: sendkeys.

Hey, it works, and we haven't had a single problem since!
I ended up trying both Diskeeper 8 and PerfectDisk 6. I ended up keeping PerfectDisk 6. I like it a lot better. It just does a more thorough job. It put the MFT in Microsoft's recommended location (a third down the disk), and is the only defragger I have seen that will put ALL the free space in one location instead of being spead out. It just puts data in the most orderly locations on the disk and I have to defrag less because of it.
I have had Vopt also. That defragger is a toy compared to PerfectDisk 6. After you try it awhile, you will see what I mean. Vopt doesn't do a pre OS defrag, doesn't defrag the swap, or MFT, and leaves free space scattered all over the disk. Also, it's much slower.
Well i can defrag the swap file, and it is also an option to pack everything together. But i wil try perfect disk ;)
Vopt does not defrag the swap. It optimizes it which it quite different. It just moves it to a different location. To be able to defrag the swap, it has to do it before the OS loads which Vopt does not do.